Wednesday, June 24, 2015


umar mukhtar
Umar Mukhtar
The so-called PAS progressives who are contemplating to form a new party better do a lot soul-searching and address a few major issues. The assumption is always that there is need for a new coalition to defeat Barisan National. The reality is that Malaysia practices racial politics. The main question, therefore, is which void is the new party trying to fill?
If it is supposed to rope in the anti-Barisan Nasional Malays, how does overcrowding that sector help to strengthen anti-BN forces in three cornered fights? There is no way that PAS will allow somebody else to takeover its battlegrounds, the Malay-majority constituencies, in its fight against UMNO. So the aim of having a coalition to solidify the opposition is gone.
So if the objective is to steal anti-BN voters, then effectively it intends to steal from PAS. You failed miserably to win them over while you are within PAS. Winning them from outside is easier? You run in Malay-majority constituencies and split opposition votes, and UMNO may even win the present PAS seats. There goes the ambition to oust BN from Putrajaya.
Unless the objective of setting up the new party is to satisfy DAP’s or/and your revenge against PAS, and thus frustrating their plans, and making UMNO the gainer, then that is something else. I can expect that from LKS, but since when have progressives short-changed and downgraded yourselves to that level of low-life?
I do have substantial admiration for your stands while struggling in PAS. Maybe the time is not yet ripe for you to win the hearts and minds of the PAS grassroots fully. I sincerely and strongly believe that eventually you will lead the party with the full blessings of the very people you detest or detest you today. You are a talented lot and have made inroads in a relatively short period. If only your autonomy was respected, you wouldn’t be in this mess today.
You did not come in into PAS at the behest of LKS  or Anwar Ibrahim. You gained the respect of PAS members on your own accord. But when LKS  and Anwar saw your potential, they tried to ride you by appealing to your baser instincts of having power now. You became hasty and judgemental without due regard to the demographic character of your former supporters in the party.
The ordinary non-racist, non-Malays, and there are plenty plenty of them, welcome leaders like you. You should lead the Malays and earn their respect because you are dedicated, forthright, honest, and visionary of a united Malaysia. You now merajuk and want to have your own party? Sounds like that should be beneath people whose causes are greater than themselves.
Otherwise you will be leaving the non-Malays to deal with Malay leaders of the UMNO character and they have to react accordingly, and they will look like racists threatening you. They know what that is like after 50 over years of UMNO rule. In short, you leave them to the vagaries of leaders they cannot change because they don’t belong to that party, through no fault of theirs. That is the nature of our country’s politics. Get wise to it.
Anwar and  LKS are opportunists of the worst kind, because they are in such of a hurry because of their age, they coerced you to push the envelope. There is nothing wrong with most of the so-called ulamafaction that is not typically human. These are the very people who welcomed you in, supported, and cheered for you. They deserve some credit.
They reacted the way they did because you acted uncharacteristically power-hungry before it is time and they feel threatened by forces now so close to home that they are not quite familiar with. No, not progressiveness and multi-racialism. They have tolerated that since PRU 12, but greed, selfishness and hypocrisy of Anwar and LKS. Do you blame them if they retreated into their comfort zones?
Now the victorious so-called ulama faction extend you an olive branch. Because they know they need fresh impetus to challenge their old enemy, UMNO, and because you are their brothers. Will you be big enough to accept it? Nobody is asking you to compromise anything, just be yourselves. But  not stooges of people outside the party. Be the servants of those you had sought solace in numerous times of pain and despair.
The future of your fight lies within PAS and not Pakatan Rakyat that is infested with power hungry characters. You stay in PAS for the sake of your fight, not leave for the sake of others. I am sure, like me, you have spent sleepless nights to foresee how the creation of a new Malay party can help the cause. None whatsoever.
If you had won and showed that your party is ready to dance with sly foxes like LKS and Anwar, go ahead. But your people said no. So you wait and you continue an intellectual fight to convert people to your cause, and at the same time earn the respect of others not within your party.
Do not underestimate the human spirit. Malay, Islamist, Chinese or Indian, we all want to avoid pain, and pursue what makes us happy. We are all reasonable, especially in trying times. We will flock to what is right. At the moment we have not much of a choice. And greater choice does not necessarily come from the creation of another party.
If some of you, like even some ulama leaders,  have indulged yourselves in activities they say becoming of politicians, like making money on the side for the sake of the so-called cause, stop it, please. Yes, you do need money for the fight, but never at the expense of diluting your commitment to what is right. Don’t build up a war-chest, unless donated sincerely, because a war-chest has a way of derailing your focus. Ask UMNO.
I wish you all the best and may God be with you in these tough times.

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