Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Big Boss of 1MDB: “I buat salah, you resign ok”

We live in a funny world where people who committed mistakes can give ultimatum to people who have nothing to do with the mistakes to resign.
“PM said this at the meeting: ‘if somehow, some of you feel uncomfortable with this (the rationalisation of 1MDB), please hand in or write (your resignation)..”
This loyal minion wanted to tone down some news reports which had said the PM gave an ultimatum to cabinet ministers.
From the words that came out from Nazri Aziz’s mouth, it was indeed sounded like an ultimatum.
114222jkg0r0mg6j0w1q6jThis is a living proof where accountability is truly dead in this administration. Instead of sacking right away the Board of Directors in 1MDB, as well as the non-performing Finance Minister I, the Prime Minister in his move to save himself had asked his colleagues to tender their resignation if they feel uncomfortable with his plans.
Nevermind the fact that his colleagues have got nothing to do with 1MDB in the first place!
Instead of cabinet ministers urging him to resign for the obvious financial debacle (otherwise 1MDB do not have to be restructured), it was the top advisor of 1MDB who had asked them to quit. Isn’t that laughable?
Don’t you all have any conscience? Don’t you all feel any shame sitting in that cabinet chair? Did any minister say their grievances and uneasiness when no one from 1MDB has been accountable for the huge, unnecessary loans which now had to be restructured?
Worse, it is revealed that for any deals 1MDB is involved, it needs to get the approval from the PM cum-FM himself. This is confirmed by Jho Low and even by 1MDB’s current CEO. The justification to ensure for at least the resignation of FM1 is rock solid.
But there was silence from around the cabinet table.
Is it really comfortable sitting in that chair?

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