Sunday, June 21, 2015


Raggie Jessy
The purported declarations by 29 assemblypersons said to favour Wan Azizah for the post of Menteri Besar couldn’t possibly have been construed as an edict worthy for consideration by the Sultan, simply because it wasn’t consequential to and wasn’t a legislative charter.
Raggie Jessy
Pakatan Rakyat is everywhere and nowhere altogether at once, which is really nothing unusual, considering that its leadership has been running around like chickens with their heads chopped off for quite a while now. Kit Siang is all upbeat about the realignment of political forces in time for the 14thgeneral elections, while his son redrew territories and shut the doors on Hadi Awang and the pro-ulama faction for good.
DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng has declared Pakatan Rakyat dead. A bizarre confederacy of the astute and dolts, the coalition was spawn off events that trace back to Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sacking as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister back in 1998. As a matter of fact, component parties to the coalition have been bouncing back and forth alliances ever since.
When Lim Guan Eng declared the coalition defunct, Datin Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail miraculously found her voice as ‘opposition leader’. She crawled out from the rat hole to assuage her critics by telling them that the debacle was nothing more than a temporal glitch. Then, before one could say ‘buggered’, Azmin Ali stepped forward to set the record straight. According to him, Pakatan Rakyat is very much alive, but simply isn’t functioning as it was mandated to by coalition partners.
With that, Azmin did the noblest thing any leader could do, which was to put the circus back on track. And that track appears to be spiralling down a faint silver stairway to the very nadir of oblivion. So, in a sense, former Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was right on the dot when he singled out a very debauched group of politicians as being responsible for abusing the people’s trust, which he said was beyond redemption.
Be that as it may, Lim Kit Siang has been relentless, bludgeoning through Hadi’s defences ever since the latter submitted two names to the Palace instead of one. Those named were nominated as candidates for the post of Selangor Menteri Besar following a manoeuvre by team Anwar to depose of Khalid. Hadi’s submission drew flak from Kit Siang and Anwar as it appeared to transgress terms of a conspiracy by the duo to wangle Anwar’s wife into a leadership by proxy.
The contrivance followed a High Court ruling which found Anwar guilty of sodomy, for which the opposition leader is now serving a five year jail term in Sungai Buloh. Both Anwar and Kit Siang bulldozed into the affairs of Selangor’s legislature thereafter and told the Sultan to keep to his turf. Kit Siang accused the ruler of overstepping his authority as the titular head of the state by refusing to endorse Wan Azizah, who he claimed commanded majority support within the legislature.
It appears that Kit Siang suffers from chronic bouts of amnesia, which has led to his wrinkled and doddered assessment of circumstances that surround the Kajang move. As such, it is imperative that we consider the following before we attempt to go any further with this expose:
1. Wan Azizah never did command the majority support Kit Siang claimed she did. In other words, Kit Siang is a born liar, one who took the rakyat for a ride.
2. The Sultan has the final say on who gets to be MB. Anwar, along with Kit Siang, drove perception against His Royal Highness by misrepresenting both the Federal and the state constitution.
3. It remains the Sultan’s prerogative to seek nominations from partners to a coalition that has majority representation within the legislature.
4. Traditionally, State Rulers seek advice from party stalwarts when appointing MB’s, simply because their choice of candidates includes those most likely to command majority support within the Assembly.
5. Notwithstanding, the Ruler is at liberty to single an assemblyperson out for the post of MB, at his discretion, without consulting party stalwarts.
6. The purported declarations by 29 assemblypersons said to favour Wan Azizah for the post of Menteri Besar couldn’t possibly have been construed as an edict worthy for consideration by the Sultan, simply because it wasn’t consequential to and wasn’t a legislative charter.
7. When Khalid boasted of majority support in his favour, he did so appropriately, considering that no vote against his favour was ever taken by the state assembly.
8. By interfering with the state’s legislature and undermining the state constitution and the Sultan, both Anwar and Kit Siang could possibly have committed lèse majesté, and are in contempt of the Selangor Palace.
Yet, when Guan Eng sentenced Pakatan Rakyat to the gallows, his father was on his high horse foreboding a future without Hadi Awang in the loop. That’s right; Lim Kit Siang was all about the realignment of political forces in time for the 14th general elections, while PasMa appears to have positioned itself in the saddle.
And what Kit Siang told us pretty much boils down to this; “we can work with PAS, but not with Hadi. And since Hadi is adamant with pro-ulama policies, we shall unleash the kraken on him. But don’t worry; we can work with certain PAS elected representatives from Penang and Selangor. It’s not PAS we’re up against, you see. It’s Hadi and his pro-ulama goons we’re dismissing.”
Actually, that borders around populating the earth with condoms. Going by Kit Siang’s logic, condoms are the way to go about populating the world. And when the condoms run out, you just stop having coitus. You do, because without condoms, you’re not likely to succeed in populating earth.
In other words, it’s cock and bull.
But the better half of DAP and PKR members seem to make sense of the garble Kit Siang spews every now and then,  apart from his signature ‘Royal Commission of Inquiry’. Grassroots are listening and appear to understand the cock and bull. They fancy that DAP is finding it difficult to fathom a future with three bull-headed leaders reigning over the opposition alliance.
It appears that Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang’s very patronizing and melodramatic display of valour against Hadi Awang and his pro-ulama faction has been construed by grassroots to mean that DAP is now the big brother. I was even told that Kit Siang may have plotted the entire fiasco from the moment His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor shut the doors on Wan Azizah and told her and her husband to fly kites.
But that couldn’t be any further from a truth that lies well obscured from public scrutiny. You see, there is a much bigger picture almost everyone seems to be missing. While it is true that the Kajang move had evoked deep fissures by locating dissension within the coalition, the plan to strike Hadi out from the equation was calculated and concocted well ahead of the 13th general elections.
To be continued…

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