Monday, June 1, 2015

Don’t hold 1MDB gun to ministers’ head – J.D. Lovrenciear

Image result for najib and 1mdb

If what is being flashed all across the online news portals about Umno mouthpiece Utusan Malaysia’s news that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has given an ultimatum to his team, namely, that if they are not the same page as his pet project – 1MDB – they should resign is true, it is a disaster.
One, he has literally put the gun to every cabinet member’s head. You must support my 1MDB agenda and swim with me. Otherwise you can leave the Cabinet right now.
Two, no one single cabinet member objected. Their silence translates to either a “Yes, sir! You have our total support all the way” or, “Say what you want but I will plan my jumping ship at the most opportune time”.
As such, a few Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders, and the entire opposition as well as former Umno-BN leaders and all concerned and caring citizens have been voicing their fears. Those fears continue to escalate with each passing day, unabated, simply because the answers are not reassuring let alone convincing.
Everyone is saying, “If 1MDB is good a game plan, why are we borrowing here, there and everywhere while claiming it is investment?”
And the recent “restructuring” announced by the Ministry of Finance pops another hard question, “Why restructure if everything is going real good with your 1MDB?”
Is it, therefore, ethical for a prime minister to warn his Cabinet with a “resign if you do not support my 1MDB” ultimatum?
Where is the democratic right of cabinet members to be free to question on behalf of all those citizens who voted for them to be in government?
If 1MDB is a confirmed going-good venture, why do you even need to hold a gun to their heads and demand loyalty?
Any sane, right-thinking and educated person will throw his or her weight behind any business venture that sounds right, feels good and meets the basic parameters of good governance and prudent management.
The Cabinet must rise and stand up for the nation’s demands and best interest and not become victims of loyalty at gun point. After all, how can you pledge blind support when you yourself whispered statements to the effect that you, too, do not really understand all about 1MDB.
Some of you even boldly stated that some personalities within 1MDB must be investigated. You called for their resignations, too, remember? And do not forget, if 1MDB is perfectly all right, why are we even having the parliamentary Public Action Committee investigate 1MDB?
Saving the political future of Malaysia is sacrosanct. Not saving 1MDB at all cost. A cabinet member who does not protest this gun-point threat will also one day have to account to this nation of 30 million people and that time is not too far off.
* J.D. Lovrenciear reads The Malaysian Insider.

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