Monday, June 22, 2015

Is MIC so useless that it should be closed down and a new party formed?

 COMMENTS by Theantdaily readers
Gurmit Kaur: I’m saddened by the state of affairs in MIC now. What happened to its objectives of helping the Indian community to improve its lot?
Looks like the party is infested with a bunch of circus clowns! It’s about time the curtains came down on this “circus party”. And what of the clowns, one might be tempted to ask?
Simple, they should just retire and seek new careers – not in politics though!
As for the Indians, they should start thinking of forming a new party.
Raja Citroen: MIC should have wound up since the day Samy Vellu stepped down. The current leaders in the party have lost their direction. It’s just like the blind leading the blind! 
Lauw Kok Weng: Simple lah. Let’s play Russian roulette. Each of you take a pistol, stand back to back and as soon the referee counts to 10, turn around and fire.
The last man standing will be the president. Cowboy style! After all, the party is chaotic now. 
Soo Yanpee: It's not that easy to close shop. MIC has accumulated quite a lot of assets. Who will handle these assets if it dismantles itself? 
Helen Powers: Close shop and get rid of all the old-timers. Start a new party. 
David Chew: I think what’s happening now is just a fraction of what the party used to experience in the heyday of fisticuffs and chair-throwing incidents.
Anyway, I think those incidents were more interesting that what the present circus clowns are churning out! 
Ng Hong Chai: Simple! Let’s have two MICs – MIC Baru and MIC Lama.
Yim Chang Cherng: Whichever way, the party, I believe, is no longer relevant to the Indian community.
Poologa Singam: Really very sad. Leaders fighting for personal gains and ignoring party interests. 
Prasad Appu: If the young people in the party are fighting, then we can accept it as they are immature. But two professional senior leaders are fighting like kids, and I just don’t know what to say.
They are greedy and power hungry! Very disappointing to see MIC in this situation. 
David Tam: MIC’s days are numbered.
Gnana Pillai Venugopalan: After 57 years of independence this what the MIC has to offer Indians? The leaders are individualistic and do not care two hoots about us.
Time to boot them out and elect younger leaders.
Dass Lourdes: The party should have been deregistered long ago.
These comments are in response to the article, “Enough with the squabbling, MIC, time to end the party!” published on June 20.


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