Tuesday, June 16, 2015

JOHOR PRINCE GAME CHANGER: Nazri may lose job, Najib & Umno's political demise SEALED

JOHOR PRINCE GAME CHANGER: Nazri may lose job, Najib & Umno's political demise SEALED
KUALA LUMPUR - As many have been predicting, Prime Minister Najib Razak's vanity will be his downfall. Efforts by his outspoken Tourism Minister Nazri Aziz to defend his 'honour' after a public hiding from the Johor Crown Prince has backfired badly.
So great is the fallout that not only may Nazri lose his Cabinet post but Najib's own political demise will be quickened one way or another.
All the Johor prince, Tunku Ismail had said was that a leader 'with everything to hide' could not be expected to turn up at the much-anticipated Nothing2Hide tell-all forum on the RM42 billion 1MDB debacle. But his royal words stung Najib's pride badly.
Adding salt to Najib's wound was that none of his ministers dared to stick their heads out to defend him. Instead many secretly laughed at his public humiliation. Then came loose-canon Nazri Aziz, who a few days ago shocked Malaysians by saying that if the Crown Prince did not shut up, they would 'whack him' for 'interfering in politics'.
But was the Prince interfering in politics or was he expressing his opinion as any red-blooded Malaysian would when faced with the sight of billions of the country's wealth being siphoned out by unscrupulous officials.
Defending the Federal Constitution or preserving Umno?
To mitigate public anger, Nazri has tried to use the 'common people' versus 'the arrogant Sultans' tack to draw support for a fight he and Najib have no one to blame but themselves and their vanity. Words such as 'defending' Malaysia's constitutional monarchy are now being tossed around by their supporters. This is of course Umno speak for saying, they are doing the people a favor by keeping the Royals in their place.
Najib's enemies within Umno have also been quick to point out that it is Najib's own weak and chaotic rule that has led to impatience creeping into the Royal houses.
"We suffer the consequences now. Nazri's words show that the rice has turned into porridge. Admit that the source is due to the weak federal leadership, from abolishing the ISA to the extent that the people's rights as guaranteed under the Constitution are now being threatened," wrote ex-minister Zainuddin Maidin, a well-known supporter of Najib's arch foe ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
Oddly, the public response over this incident shows no sign that the people feel they are being bullied by the Crown Prince. Instead, there is a rush to support Tunku Ismail. Praises from across the country and racial groups are lavished and heaped on him. He is seen as a hero, a liberator who can deliver them from injustice.
"Malaysians see in Tunku Ismail a champion who can help them break out of the deadlock Umno has put the country into. Both Nazri and Mahathir are twisting the Federal Constitution to benefit their own objectives," said a political observer.
"The fact is, the people are running away from the Umno system and they want someone who can stand up for them. They are sick of royalty who openly betray their subjects in exchange for Umno goodies. So Tunku Ismail is a breath of fresh air. The people see him as the real deal - someone who has the clout and is willing to use it to help them and save them from Umno bullying."
In Johor, the fury unleashed at Najib's government is immense and a massive rally is being planned to show the people's support for the Crown Prince. If Najib were foolish enough to block it, it would really hasten his political demise. Johor is not only the birth state of the sprawling Umno party but is regarded as the last bastion of its political power.
If push comes to shove, Umno warlords can be expected to dump Najib without hesitation once it becomes clear that the Johor Palace has put him and Nazri on its 'blacklist'.  Mahathir has repeatedly warned if Najib clings on as PM until the next general election, due latest in 2018, Umno will lose the federal government. With Johor voters enraged at Umno, it could easily lose this key state to a reorganized and realigned Opposition.
Real warning from the TMJ
The Johor Crown Prince's message to Malaysians released a day ago contained a real warning to Umno, which has ruled Malaysia since independence from the British in 1957.
"There will come a time, when the Johorean people must decide what is best for us and our future generations. Decide and unite we will, as Bangsa Johor, to forge our future. United we stand strong, divided we fall. I stand for my rakyat, not to joust for power, not to topple the government, but to ensure the well-being of my people," wrote Tunku Ismail.
Indeed, Umno does not own Malaysia. In Sabah and Sarawak, there are growing calls for secession due to disgruntlement with the corrupt federal government accused of carting away the states' wealth while reinvesting a pittance to develop them. So Zam is right in that a weak leader like Najib is bad news - but for Umno, not the people.
The people are plain fed up. They want nothing to do with forked-tongue and dishonest leaders who use any means and argument to stay in power. Some believe it is already too late for Umno. Even if the party publicly sacks Najib to placate the people, chances are that it has already lost GE-14.
In the Opposition camp, with leader Anwar Ibrahim in jail over alleged trumped-up sodomy charges, a major tremor is snaking across his Pakatan Rakyat coalition. A split and realignment of forces is inevitable. But the shakeup in Pakatan and even in Umno will nowhere be as great as the realignment that is bound to occur in Malaysia in the next few years.
Historic and watershed changes can no longer be held back. Not only have the people been 'awakened' and are clamoring to be free of oppressive and bullying rule, the Royal houses too have fallen out of love with Umno.
Enough is enough
In retrospect, Umno warlords have no one but themselves to blame for not listening to Mahathir, who had months ago launched a blistering campaign to get Najib to step down.
Mahathir made it very clear and certain and sure to Najib that he would only stop attacking and accusing him until he resigned and departed from the Malaysian political landscape with his wife Rosmah.
There can be no ifs and buts with Mahathir and he certainly means business and brooks no more nonsense from the prime minister as he is already absolutely livid with rage at how the nation is going to the dogs under Najib’s leadership.
Under Najib’s governance there have been a slew of changes in the country but Mahathir finds that what has evolved is that Malaysia has regressed and gone backwards rather than forward and his Vision 2020 is all starting to become a pipe dream.
Other than being dodgy and evasive and issuing cleverly-worded statements aimed to deceive and mislead everyone in the country especially his attacker Mahathir, Najib has shown and revealed that he has not got what it takes to measure up to be prime minister of this country.
This is why Mahathir believes Najib’s performance is dismal as paramount leader of the nation and he has failed miserably, and not only that, he is creating a mess which is prompting Mahathir to get rid of him and his wife as soon as possible before more damage and harm is done to the country.
Cracks and fissures
There is no denying, despite Najib’s denial, that there is an overwhelming amount of proof and evidence that the country is regressing under Najib’s leadership and he should no longer try and deceive or lie and cheat Malaysians into thinking all is well.
The simple reason why Mahathir wants him evicted from the prime minister’s post as quickly as possible is because Najib is using his powers and position as prime minister to cling on to power by making use of government machinery, the civil service and his political party of UMNO.
Najib is trying to paper over the cracks and fissures that have appeared over the façade of the nation and trying to paint a picture that everything is going well although the ship is starting to sink. But he is only intent on staying on in power.
Najib is trying to show that its business as usual but Mahathir is painting an altogether different picture by showing that Najib’s leadership is about business unusual as many of his activities indicate dark and sinister wrongdoings which are now beginning to manifest openly.
Malaysian way of life
PM Najib and Wife Rosmah Mansor
There is absolutely no way anyone can deny that the Malaysian Quality-of-Life has been deteriorating steadily during the tenure of Najib as prime minister of this nation and this is becoming more and more apparent to the rakyat.
From the implementation of the Goods and Services Tax 2015, to the rising cost of living and the increases in the prices of goods and services, to a messy education system, unaffordable housing and accommodation and poor healthcare services, Malaysia is regressing very badly.
Under Najib’s governance, every facet of the Malaysian way of life has started to go awry and is not in a right state or frame that Mahathir is uneasy of what the future holds and is beginning to assess the toll and damage Najib and Rosmah have wrecked on the nation.
There is also no denying that more and more Malaysians of all walks of life are taking to the alternative media and through social media to vent their displeasure and voice their complaints and grievances of Najib’s failings as leader of this country.
Initially when the spotlight began to focus on Najib and Rosmah and their activities, most Malaysians took it in their stride. But when the 1MDB fiasco blew up into the open a can of worms was also opened up and sparked anger and outrage in Malaysians.
Pent-up frustrations
PM Najib and Dr M
Mahathir leads the very long list of Malaysians or most of the people in this country who are sick and tired and fed up of the antics and ploys of Najib and Rosmah. They have been seething with rage and are frustrated that Najib is not stepping down from the post of prime minister.
This is why a more aggressive and serious campaign is being initiated by Mahathir Mohammad and his supporters which is set to create a real showdown between the two political heavyweights in this country and Mahathir will settle for nothing less than the resignation of Najib.
Mahathir is right now in an uncompromising mood and is further irked and angered by the fact that Najib is starting to twists and turn facts and figures to suit his need and counter his allegations and hiding behind the chair of prime minister.
Although Mahathir has come up with hard and fast cases of wrongdoings by Najib and Rosmah, all his allegations have been summarily dismissed and Najib and Rosmah defiantly state that they have no real case to answer.
This certainly places Mahathir under scrutiny now as Malaysians know he is a person who always get his way and they are beginning to wonder how the aging politician will rise up to the challenge ahead of him to get rid of both Najib and Rosmah and rescue the nation from becoming a failed state. - MAILBAG

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