Wednesday, July 1, 2015

‘License’ to be patriotic?

To those intending to buy vanity PATRIOT licence plates, there is one simple question: What is so noble and patriotic about owning these?
By TK Chua
What has become of this country? Have we got any reasoning and rationale left?
May I know what the logic is for a group of people or an NGO to be given a block of vanity number plates known as “patriot”?
How can they argue that the government loses nothing? If 10,000 numbers are given away, it means the government will issue 10,000 numbers less. Did the decision makers go to school in the first place? If the government gets only one million ringgit while the NGO gets RM10 million, we must be idiots to buy the story that the government loses nothing.
Who are theses “patriotic” NGO people anyway? Are the members of this NGO more patriotic than other Malaysians in the country? How do they define patriotism and what did they do that qualified them to label themselves as more patriotic than others? How do they promote patriotism – sing more patriotic songs, read more patriotic pledges, and wear more patriotic uniforms?
If I am a citizen working hard, creating value, paying my taxes, saving up, raising my kids and educating them properly, am I being patriotic?
Can we ever talk our way to becoming more patriotic? Samuel Johnson once said patriotism was the last refuge of a scoundrel. So be careful before calling oneself patriotic. When citizens are treated fairly, able to earn a decent living and live in a comfortable and secured environment, patriotism to the country will come naturally. On the other hand, when they are shortchanged, bullied, denied and cheated, no amount of patriotic talks are going to make a difference.
If today we have a patriotic NGO who will profit from Road Transport Department (JPJ) numbers, what is there for another group of parasites to start another “wira”, “hero” or “negarawan” NGO?
I think the government must decide what is rational and logical.
To those who intend to buy these vanity numbers, I wish to ask one simple question: What is so noble and patriotic about owning these numbers?
I think there is a difference between you being bestowed as a patriotic citizen and you driving around displaying patriotism in the front and back of your car. Instead of honouring you, some may despise you.
TK Chua is an FMT reader.

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