Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Malaysian Politics in one Big Mess, says Ku Li

Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah
Both Pakatan Rakyat (PR) and Barisan Nasional (BN) are now in a mess, which may lead to a realignment of political forces, veteran UMNO lawmaker Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said today.
He said all parties go through evolutionary processes and nothing in politics lasts. “We in BN have our problems, so we are no different (from PR). MIC has problems. UMNO appears to have (problems) as well,” the Gua Musang MP told reporters in the Parliament lobby.
When asked if this would result in new alignments formed between political parties, he replied: “I’ve never heard anything is impossible. In politics, everything is possible.
“And nothing lasts. A friend today can be an enemy tomorrow. An enemy tomorrow may be a good friend the day after tomorrow.”
Rumours are rife that Razaleigh, popularly known as Ku Li, is being touted to head a possible unity government, a move that even DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang had endorsed last month.
When asked whether BN or PR was in a bigger mess, Razaleigh laughed and said, “I don’t know, I’m not in the other mess. I’m only in this mess.
“So, I wouldn’t know which is bigger, which is smaller. But problems are problems.” He added that PR’s move to dissolve was “good” as it may help strengthen the opposition.
“I think they must be prepared to take bold steps in order to introduce measures that will be in sync. In sync with the young people, especially,” said the Kelantan prince.
DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng this morning announced that PR has ceased to exist, adding that it would only work with PKR and “other forces” to end BN’s hold on the federal government. (www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/pakatan-is-over-says-dap)
In BN, lynchpin party UMNO continues to play a dominant role after its key component partners fared badly in the last general election in 2013.
BN’s ethnic Indian-based party, the MIC, for instance, has been plagued with a power struggle and earlier today booted out its president, Datuk Seri G. Palanivel, and made Datuk Seri S. Subramaniam acting president.
Last month, Razaleigh had called for an end to religious- and race-based parties, and urged  the country to move towards an open system which accommodates the needs of younger Malaysians.
He added that the concept of being race-based was especially self-defeating for UMNO, which he said was facing problems expanding its membership and attracting the youth.-TMI

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