Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Najib staged a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance when he absented himself from in Parliament yesterday to avoid having to personally answer the questions about the biggest financial scandal in nation’s history

In ten days, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak staged a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance when he absented himself from Parliament yesterday to avoid having to personally answer the questions about the biggest financial scandal in the nation’s history.
Not only Members of Parliament from both sides of Parliament, but ordinary Malaysians are entitled to ask why the Prime Minister can give a special briefing to over 1,000 UMNO division information chiefs and selected NGO representatives on Sunday on the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal, but he was not prepared to give similar briefing in Parliament the following day during the winding-up of the debate on the 11th Malaysia Plan?
Is this because the Sunday briefing for UMNO division information chiefs and selected NGO representatives was a tame one-way traffic and monologue while Najib would not be able to have a docile and timid audience in Parliament, especially as MPs, in particular DAP MP for Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua and PKR MP for Pandan, Rafizi Ramli would have endless minefields for the Prime Minister to negotiate if there is a genuine free-for-all in the Dewan Rakyat on the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal?
Yesterday, the second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah was left to carry the 1MDB “baby” in Parliament and answer questions about the 1MDB scandal as he was appointed the Ministerial spokesman on the 1MDB controversy at the Cabinet meeting of May 29, after Ministers were required to adopt the Save 1MDP Roadmap following the tacit threat from the Prime Minister himself that Ministers who do not support him on the 1MDB issue could resign!
Until the Cabinet meeting of May 29, Husni had hardly commented on the 1MDB scandal in the past six years since his appointment as Second Finance Minister on 10th April 2009, which could only mean that he was not in the loop at all about the 1MDB affairs, whether its management or supervision.
The person who is responsible, both in law and in fact, for the 1MDB scandal is none other than Najib himself, as Prime Minister, Finance Minister and as the final approving authority who have to give “written approval” for 1MDB deals, transactions and investments under Clause 117 of 1MDB Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Here we are having a blatant example of a person who is personally responsible, in law and fact, for the 1MDB scandal avoiding parliamentary accountability by answering all 1MDB questions in Parliament, and passing the buck of parliamentary answers to the Second Finance Minister who must have spent virtually all his working time in the past three weeks trying to “master” the intricate and complicated 1MDB subject and “avoid answers” for his master, the Prime Minister!
Najib should know that the most important question he would be asked if had not done a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance in Parliament yesterday would be the meaning of his reported assurance to UMNO division information chiefs and selected NGO representatives at Putra World Trade Centre on Sunday that the 1MDB controversy would be resolved by year end – whether it tantamounts to an undertaking to Parliament and nation that he and all his Ministers will resign and retire from politics if the 1MDB scandal and all-related 1MDB issues are not resolved by 31st December 2015?
This is a question Najib can answer without any more disappearances from 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” events. -blog.limkitsiang

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