Monday, June 1, 2015

NOTHING BUT LIES FROM NAJIB CAMP: Andrew Brown retired, never met Dr M & never worked at France-based EDF - Sarawak Report

NOTHING BUT LIES FROM NAJIB CAMP: Andrew Brown retired, never met Dr M & never worked at France-based EDF - S'wak Report
No editor in a self-respecting newsroom would have given this story by CAGM the time of day.
The PM’s PR man Paul Stadlen ought really to have sent it back with a ‘needs to do better’ comment to the new boy ‘NGO’.
Because, there is no point trying to put out smears and innuendos that mean nothing and have no foundation in fact… unless you fancy being sued for libel for the sake of it?
Indeed, since CAGM has announced it has at lease RM1 million to tout for ‘information’, the prospect of a libel action is one that would appear to be worth considering – given the unsubstantiated allegations of corruption implicit in this attempt to smear various of Najib’s critics in one job lot of nonsense.
In short, Andrew Brown (recently retired) worked as the Director of Communications for EDF Energy UK, as opposed to EDF (Électricité de France) and never had any involvement in the group’s global operations.
Nor has he ever met Dr Mahathir.
Needs To Do Better - Malaysiakini
The whistleblower had purportedly told CAGM that Tanjong Group had acquired EDF’s power assets in Egypt for USD307 million due to Mahathir’s influence.
Tanjong’s subsidiaries which own the Egyptian power plants are now owned by 1MDB, the whistleblower told CAGM.
Sarawak Report link
The whistleblower also claimed that Mahathir is acquainted with Andrew Brown, the husband to Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle Brown.
Andrew Brown is a former journalist and now EDF’s media strategist.
“CAGM welcomes Mahathir’s response on this alleged ‘involvement’ with EDF,” wrote Md Zainal.
Strangely, despite the efforts to tie Mahathir with EDF and the Browns, Md Zainal does not make any suggestions that the former premier did anything wrong.
Previously, Md Zainal had offered RM1 million for information on Mahathir’s alleged wrongdoings during his 22 years as prime minister….
CAGM’s sudden appearance and activities has led to suspicions that the group is linked to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. Mahathir has recently become one of Najib’s harshest critic.

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