Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nothing2Hide Forum for Mahathir soon

Chegubard emerges as Lim Kok Wing II to get the former Prime Minister to come clean on misadventures during his time in office.
mahathir, Chegubard
KUALA LUMPUR: A political analyst has observed that Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s media adviser Lim Kok Wing may have even been found wanting, so quick so soon, given the presence of Chegubard, dubbed Lim Kok Wing II, who has come lately to the Prime Minister’s defence in taking on former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad.
“It seems that Chegubard cannot resist entering the increasingly heated debate – albeit of late via blogs — between Najib and Mahathir,” said political analyst Shahbudin Husin. “While the rest of the Opposition and Mahathir see Najib as their common foe, Chegubard on the other hand wants to provide the Prime Minister with a crutch and oxygen so that he can breathe easier.”
Chegubard or Badrul Hisham Shahrin, for those unfamiliar, heads Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) a pro PKR NGO. “Although he has been suspended by PKR over his allegations of irregularities during the recent party polls, he’s still a member,” said Shahbudin.
Chegubard’s latest attempt, said the analyst, was an offer to arrange another Nothing2Hide Forum but this time with a difference. Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has to turn up for a public grilling and to give an accounting on his 22 years in office. “Mahathir will be part of the Panel but to take questions and provide answers.”
Anyone will see Chegubard’s attempt as “cencaru makan petang” (good effort but coming late in the day) and “memasang lukah di pergentingan” (trying to profit from someone’s – read Najib’s — sorrows). “Mahathir’s attacks are driving home in concert with the Opposition and the people are increasingly rejecting Najib.”
It’s no longer relevant, added the political analyst, to focus on the Mahathir administration. “The issue at the moment and the focus of the people was the Najib administration which was worrying everyone.”
While everyone was focused on 1MDB, Najib being found wanting, and various other issues facing the nation including the possibility that the ruling party would be ousted from power come 2018, noted Shahbudin, “Chegubard wants to focus on the Mahathir past . . . Woww . . .”
Mahathir, reminded Shahbudin, left in 2003 i.e. quite some time ago and during his time, he secured two-thirds majority in Parliament, and there have been two Prime Ministers since he stepped down. “Why bring up only now issues related to his administration?”
The answer comes easy, he added, implying that it’s the politics of distraction and disruption at work again. He does not rule out the possibility that Najib himself along with his advisers may be behind Chegubard’s version of the Nothing2Hide Forum, or alternatively it might just be at the proposal stage involving discussions on job scope, job functions, among others, and of course costs.
Meanwhile, it has been noted that he’s busy distributing a free booklet on Mahathir and being a primadonna of sorts on a private TV station noted for going on the offensive against the former Prime Minister. “His latest appearance was on a programme which discussed the sacking of the Lord President Tun Salleh Abbas in 1988.”
“He can be expected to appear more often on other issues involving Mahathir.”
Chegubard being given time on TV, and prime time at that, was an extraordinary feat considering his background and the fact that even Umno and government leaders who are close to Najib are not being given this opportunity, he said. “Chegubard’s fingerprints and both his legs are still firmly in the Opposition camp but he has so easily managed to get the attention of the TV station.”
Why are SAMM and Chegubard, one pro-PKR and the other a member, and not a pro-Umno NGO, being used to defend Najib?
Shahbudin attributes the situation to perhaps Najib’s advisers thinking outside the box and his of-cited “blue ocean strategy” (How to create uncontested market and make the competition irrelevant).
Shahbudin wonders whether after all the support that Najib claims to have in taking on Mahathir and keeping his job, his fate hinges by a slender thread on Chegubard. “Again, does this mean Najib in fact no longer has confidence in his advisers, the party wings, and the thousands of NGOs loyal to Umno, rain or shine, for so long?”

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