Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pakatan Rakyat, Death by Suicide: Next, please!

1 April 2008-15 June 2015. And you said BN was bad. Now, your Pakatan Rakyat is dead. At its own hand. A shot to the head, right between the eyes. For those who have been following Malaysian politics, Pakatan's demise didn't come as a surprise. Opposition coalitions have come and gone, unholy marriages of convenience, fooling the voting public again and again. Every time, the same faces (plus wrinkles, minus hair) would promise the sky to you and I, having convinced themselves that they -  the Opposition parties - have finally and at last come to their senses and would put the Rakyat before their narrow, selfish interests. Bah! 
Sorry if I sounded like I was sorry for Pakatan and its fans; I'm not. I'm choking over the fact that the incumbent, the ruling coalition, BN, doesn't seem to be grateful or even aware how fortunate it is. Umno is trying to kill itself too, MIC half dead, MCA half alive, and yet the Almighty sees it fit to bless them with a selfish, self-destructive, morons as rivals. 
Perhaps He has in store a worse fate for ingrates. 
Have a blessed Ramadan, everyone.

[The news that inspired this feeling/rambling]:

Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists, says DAP's Lim Guan Eng

Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists, says DAP's Lim Guan Eng
Lim said the party accepted PASs 61st Muktamars motion to sever ties with the party. 
KUALA LUMPUR: DAP’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the DAP central executive committee (CEC) had unanimously resolved that Pakatan Rakyat ceases to exist.

Lim said the party accepted PAS’s 61st Muktamar’s motion to sever ties with the party.

“As Pakatan Rakyat was formed by the three parties based on consensus and bound by the Common Policy Framework, the PAS Muktamar’s motion effectively killed off Pakatan Rakyat,” Lim said in a press statement today.

However, DAP said it will continue working with PKR and other forces who want to end Barisan Nasional’s rule.

“DAP will work towards a broad based and principled new coalition that shall emerge to fill the political vacuum that can rekindle hopes of change to realise our Malaysian dream for a better future for all,” he said.

Lim said DAP will also support Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali to reframe the state government with a new functioning coalition.

The PR was formed on 1st April 2008 by the DAP, PAS and PKR following the March 8, 2008 general election.

Lim also blamed PAS’s leadership, led by Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for the death of PR, in particular the Selangor MB crisis and hudud.

“Decisions agreed upon at Majlis Pimpinan was violated by PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, which resulted in near-paralysis of the coalition,” he said.

Lim said the near-paralysis of PR was exacerbated by Abdul Hadi’s willingness to forge a unity government with UMNO and his support for Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

“The breach of promise made personally by Hadi at the Pakatan Rakyat Majlis Pimpinan on 10th February to discuss the hudud laws proposed by PAS first with Pakatan Rakyat partners at Majlis Pimpinan before being tabled to the Kelantan State Assembly or a private motion by Hadi in Parliament further immobilised the entire Pakatan Rakyat Majlis Pimpinan.,” he said.

Lim said, the breach of promise by Abdul Hadi was followed by the momentous decision at the PAS Muktamar, which had accepted without debate a motion to sever ties with the DAP.

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