Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Ah yes, of course, progressives believe in DAP. Un-progressives do not believe in DAP.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Today, the news kecuh regarding the PAS ‘progressives’ buka puasa with their DAP and PKR masters last night. There is talk that the ‘progressives’ in PAS are going to form a new party — maybe they can call it Parti Untuk Kaum Islam (PUKI) — and will team up with DAP and PKR to form a new opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat 2.0.
As I wrote in my earlier article, What do you mean by progressive Malays? (READ HERE), we need to establish the difference between these PAS progressives and the PAS…hmm…what do we call them? Un-progressives?
This is so that we can decide whether to support these progressives or are they just offering us old wine in a new bottle?
Okay, so let us compare the difference between these progressives and their counterparts, the un-progressives.
Un-progressives pray fives times a day. Progressives pray fives times a day.
Un-progressives fast during the month of Ramadhan. Progressives fast during the month of Ramadhan.
Un-progressives go to Mekah to perform their pilgrimage. Progressives go to Mekah to perform their pilgrimage.
Un-progressives believe the Shariah is God’s law and mandatory upon Muslims. Progressives believe the Shariah is God’s law and mandatory upon Muslims.
Un-progressives believe adultery and extramarital sex are forbidden. Progressives believe adultery and extramarital sex are forbidden.
Un-progressives believe homosexual relationships are forbidden. Progressives believe homosexual relationships are forbidden.
Un-progressives will not eat pork. Progressives will not eat pork.
Un-progressives will not drink liquor. Progressives will not drink liquor.
Un-progressives believe in Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham and the 124,000 Prophets, 25 mentioned by name in the Qur’an. Progressives believe in Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, Abraham and the 124,000 Prophets, 25 mentioned by name in the Qur’an.
Un-progressives believe the Qur’an came from God and was not fabricated by man. Progressives believe the Qur’an came from God and was not fabricated by man.
Un-progressives believe in heaven and hell. Progressives believe in heaven and hell.
Un-progressives believe heresy and apostasy are forbidden. Progressives believe heresy and apostasy are forbidden.
Un-progressives believe gambling is forbidden. Progressives believe gambling is forbidden.
Un-progressives believe cheating and fraud are forbidden. Progressives believe cheating and fraud are forbidden.
Un-progressives believe theft and robbery are forbidden. Progressives believe theft and robbery are forbidden.
Hmm…so what is the difference between the progressives and the un-progressives?
Ah yes, of course, progressives believe in DAP. Un-progressives do not believe in DAP.
Yes, there is a difference after all.

1 comment:

  1. I think you've made a wrong comparison. Let me tell you this progressive believes inequality and unprogressive doesn't; progressive believes in representing its constituents but not unprogressive; progressive will follow what their past guru's advise i. e. not to trust BN but unprogressive forget about their tok guru's advise immediately after he passed away; progressive believes in justice, fairness & equality but unprogressive doesn't; progressive belieblve in collective agreement but unprogressive believes in betraying its allies and its tok guru. Your opinion is certainly biased and clearly shows you are a umno traitor. The Quran demands all followers to speak then truth or otherwise have their tongue cut out. You should be the 1st person who should face the syariah law!


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