Monday, June 22, 2015

Religion Destroying Morals

At a Buka Puasa gathering two days ago I met some women who read my Blog. Thank you ladies. They remembered my Blog for popularising the word 'dunggu' (English spelling ok, jangan 'tunggu' pula).  

Well here is another phrase I would like to popularise (this one is from a group discussion where the conversation is really no holds barred.)  It is "ostard wal retard"

To digress, folks, wouldnt you like to belong to a conversation where people can say anything and everything? No holds barred. Where you can use your otak to its capacity.   Question anything and everything. You can ask 'why' about anything.

Here is a sample :  

Heaven and hell exists. Why?  
Thats what it says in the Bible etc. Why?  
To punish the bad and reward the good. Why? 
Thats how "god" wants it. Why? 
Because it is His will. Why?  
Because He is Almighty. Why?  
Because He created everything. Why?
Because he wants everything to serve Him? Why?

The clever folks who read philosophy say that the fewer the number of answers before the 'why' cannot be answered anymore determines the truth behind that statement.  

Just this one word "Why" can destroy mountains of beliefs. It is a very, very potent word. Many people (including many from among you dear reader), will become terrified of this simple three letter word 'why?' It can 'mencabut' your baby pacifier that you so depend on.

So know ye, ye bravehearts, who walk with great girth on the surface of the earth (from all the unrighteous eating that you indulge in) that there is a small three letter word that is creeping about that can make you feel really uncomfortable. That word is 'why?'

Ok to get back on track, here is that phrase again I want to popularise: 'ostard wal retard'. 

Ostard wal retard refers to the mindless morons, usually the school dropouts, those who cannot qualify to even enter regular school so they have no choice but to enter the sekolah pondoks, the madrasahs etc and then they travel to Allah forsaken countries like Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria etc to study their version of moronism.  

Then they come back and become the subject of Zaid Ibrahim's ire. Here is Zaid Ibrahim again. This is from Free Malaysia Today

Zaid: Shallow Islamic teaching is breeding hypocrites

Zaid Ibrahim says there is too much sexist bias against women encouraged by religious preachers who claim to know everything about Islam.

Religious classes that do not permit students to ask probing questions or engage in dialogue have resulted in a growing number of Muslim students who simply mimic their teachers by criticising others despite knowing very little about the world, much less Islam, said Zaid Ibrahim.

“I have always maintained that these Malays are hypocrites of the highest order."

“They are always quick to complain and criticise other Muslims for not being Islamic in their dressing or their way of life...”

commenting on scathing criticism gymnast Farah Ann suffered

“disease springs from ..religious education, ..that is shallow and misinformed.”

religious preachers judging personal conduct of others because they claimed to understand Islam better than others did.

bizarre how freely these preachers pass judgment on other people when they have achieved nothing that the country can be proud of,” 

created “deeply sexist bias against women in society”.

religious teachers often got angry when probing questions were asked
“busybody” Muslims practising double standard criticising Farah’s exposed legs but closing an eye to male footballers who wore shorts

Zaid added, “hypocrites of the highest order but we should have pity on them."
“We are the ones who produced them in large numbers, thanks to the poor quality of religious education we give to young Muslims in this country.”
My comments : Well Dato Zaid Ibrahim, there is no such thing as a 'high quality' religious education. All religious education is of low quality.

I read the Quran. It is very high quality. That is why they do not study the Quran as a textbook in religious education. (If any of you wish to dispute this, please go ahead). 

If they study the Quran like a textbook, many of the ostard wal retards will be out of a job.  

Here is a quick example. 

This is Surah 24:3 from the Quran 

24:3 "The adulterer shall not marry save an adulteress or an idolatress (mushrik), and the adulteress none shall marry save an adulterer or an idolater (mushrik). All that is forbidden unto believers."

But shouldnt adulterers and adulteresses be stoned to death? If they are stoned to death, how can they get married? Any wal retards want to answer this?

An adulterer should marry an adulteress. So is this a law?  If so why isnt this law part of the hudud or the shariah? 

(I did ask this question to Dr Maza recently. He said it means 'janganlah pi kahwin pelacur'. Err.. sorry Doktor. I am afraid that is not what it means.  That is the wrong answer by Dr Maza.)

If a non adulterer (say he falls madly in love with and) knowingly marries someone who had been convicted of committing adultery 15 or 20 years earlier, then will the shariah court punish the person for marrying such an adulterer?  Will the shariah court annul such marriages? If no,  why not? 

Because Surah 24:3 says "The adulterer shall not marry save an adulteress.."

And if any of you are wondering, Surah 24 (Surah an Noor) is decreed as a 'fardh' which means it is Law.

Surah 24:1  "A sura that we have sent down, and we have decreed as law. We have revealed in it clear revelations, that you may take heed."  

So Surah 24 is Law (fardh).  So why is 24:3 not in the hudud? 

Then Surah 24:3 also says  ".. and the adulteress none shall marry save an adulterer or an idolater (mushrik)"

So does this mean that (say) a convicted adulteress can ONLY marry orang bukan Islam daripada kaum mushrikin?  

Lets take it step by step.  

  1. If the adulteress is convicted of adultery, it must be in a shariah court. 
  2. This means she must be a Muslim. 
  3. So the Muslim woman convicted of adultery can ONLY marry a mushrik? (A mushrik is a polytheist.)     
  4. What if she is already married, to a good guy the local lebai?
  5. And he does not want to divorce her, even if she has committed adultery. 
  6. How come all this is NOT in the Hudud of PAS? Can the wal retards answer?

Now folks, the Quran can answer all these questions. That is why it must be read like a textbook.  But that requires "widening" the scope of the discussion than what the wal retards are used to. 

In my view it is actually 'narrowing' the scope because the Quran is quite simple. So even Surah 24:3 is easily answered. Tapi sini tak boleh lah, nanti ketayap melayang.

Coming back to what Zaid Ibrahim is saying : there is a huge major flaw in religion, all over the world. Not just in Malaysia.

And here even Zaid Ibrahim is guilty of being a party to this great flaw.

What is this flaw? The flaw is that "religon is not evidence based".  

The Quran and hence Islam is the direct opposite. The Quran says 'haatu burhanukum in kuntum sadiqeen' which means 'bring your proofs if you are a truthful people'. 

For whatever you say, you must bring your proofs. So where is your proof?  If you cannot show proof for what you say, that is very immoral. You become an immoral person. Manusia yang tidak ada moral.

And even more worse, religion does not allow for the showing of proof.

Asking "why" is not allowed in religion. At some point in time, even Zaid will not allow the 'why' question.

The other great failure of religion is that religion gets angry.  Anger is a necessary part of religious discussion. This is 100% proof of the "ostard wal retard" indoctrination.  The ISIS chopping heads of people because of their religion is a clear example of a people who are without morals. Manusia yang tidak mempunyai moral. When they cannot provide proofs, they become violent.

In other countries, the authorities will fine or jail people.

Religion cannot have an intelligent, civilised discourse minus the anger. Intelligence and civilised discourse are not part of religion. This is again destroying morals.

(This is the bulan puasa. Every nite in the homes of the rich and wealthy around the hills in Kuala Lumpur, there will be numerous buka puasa, prayers and perhaps religious ceramahs. Unfortunately the wal retards will also be there.  

Sadly, the attendees will be feeling very holy and righteous. I dont want to burst your "righteous bubble" but why not watch Nat Geo? I enjoy watching Lakhadeema the Leopard catching an impala.  I know I mentioned that I was at a buka puasa two days ago. But after the rituals were over, we had a Q and A session with Tun Dr Mahathir about very "stately" issues. Not very different from Lakhadeema the Leopard pouncing on her prey).

Listening to Tun Dr Mahathir after the buka puasa.

Tun Dr Mahathir "giving me the eye". I knew he was 
"giving me the eye". I couldnt help chuckling to myself.

Back to the anger. Anger is part and parcel of religion. No anger no religion. Why? Because anger is a convenient camouflage when religion cannot answer questions. Hence religion becomes stupid. Hence religion makes people stupid. 

This anger is also immoral.  Hence religion creates problems around the world.

The Quran and Islam do not create problems.  Only religion does. Remember this.

The other essential component of religion is telling lies. No lies no religion. No falsehood no religion. Religion cannot survive by telling the truth.  Religion can only survive on lies.  This is totally immoral.

That is why you can see people like Mr Lim Kit Siang's ex friends trying to fool everyone.  They can create their own laws and then say 'This is Islamic law.' Kepala hotak depa. Theirs is not Islamic law.   

It is their own law. Created out of falsehood.  They are without morals.

At the end of the day their version of religion destroys morals. 

What is immoral about male football players wearing football shorts?

What is immoral about a male bodybuilder wearing brief trunks at a bodybuilding contest?

What is immoral about a girl wearing leotards at a gymnastic championship?

It takes effort, training, commitment, dedication, passion and a host of other things to win a gold medal or win at some sporting event. Not the domain of the 'wal retards'. 

It is also immoral when the wal retards are given space in society to spew their stupidity.  Given space by people like you too, dear buka puasa folks.  It is you who are guilty as well.  

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