Tuesday, June 23, 2015

SELANGOR INTRIGUE INTENSIFIES: 'Selfish' Azmin may lose MB post after Raya as Umno-PAS pit against DAP

S'GOR INTRIGUE INTENSIFIES: 'Selfish' Azmin may lose MB post after Raya as Umno-PAS pit against DAP
Azmin Ali was reported to have had an audience with the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. The meeting lasted an hour. What was discussed and did the Mentri Besar (Chief Minister) tell the Sultan. An MB meeting with his Sultan in any state is a routine matter.
The MB can seek to meet the  Sultan whenever there are important state matters to be related to the Sultan. Similarly, the Sultan can anytime call up the MB for a discussion.
The relationship between the MB and the Sultan can be considered a bilateral one for the sake of development of a state and the welfare of its people. Their relationship is part of the network of governance.
So Azmin's meeting with the Sultan last night stirred up a lot of unnecessary speculation over the issues that are currently causing tension in the state. Because of the turmoil in Pakatan Rakyat, with DAP declaring Pakatan Rakyat no longer exists but Pas insisting the pact is still alive, perhaps this contentious issue formed the subject of discussion between Azmin and the Sultan.
Sultan no fool
Azmin (right) and Sultan Selangor
As the ruler, the Sultan certainly wants to know the exact position of the present government. The most important thing is whether Azmin has gained the confidence to continue as the Selangor MB. While Khalid Ibrahim was MB and faced a no-confidence vote from the state assembly, the Sultan called up Khalid to the bottom of the issue. It is the Sultan's responsibility to monitor the situation under such circumstances.
For the Sultan it is important to know if Azmin has lost the confidence of the majority in the state assembly as this could make Selangor unstable. The instability of the Selangor government will threaten the entire state administration which in turn will impact on the people.
So what did Azmin have to say on the matter? The reality today is that while both DAP and Pas are clawing at each other like cats and dogs, they still support Azmin. DAP says it is still with PKR. And Pas has also made the same declaration.
This means Azmin's position as MB is still intact. As such, the Sultan need not be worried on that score, so why should the state assembly be dissolved to pave way for snap polls as a means out of the political crisis.
Perhaps the Sultan wanted to be briefed on the latest developments in Selangor and offered his views and advice in return. Everyone should think well of the meeting in order to avoid any untoward incident happening that could disadvantage the people.
MB for how long? Ultimatum from DAP may come after Raya
However, the question remains - can Azmin guarantee he will continue to be supported by both the parties (PAS and DAP) which are now fighting like animals? That is Azmin's problem, should either party give an ultimatum to PKR to choose between the two of them.
DAP and PAS have asked him to make a choice. In such a case, Azmin will be in a difficult spot - die if he does, die if he doesn't. Another factor that can weaken Azmin's position is the weakness of his own PKR party. There is alarming news DAP will issue an ultimatum to PKR after the Raya celebrations to make its final decision on whether to stand by DAP or PAS.
If such never-ending situation continues, then like it or not, the Selangor State Legislative Assembly will have to dissolved. Azmin can be said to be in a 'final examination' where he has to answer and solve the problems that crop up. If he can answer and solve these the problems, he can graduate and move onto the 'upper class' without having to go through the 'middle class'.
'Selfish' Azmin reaping what he sowed for putting his personal ambitions above party
To deal with such a situation, Azmin needs the support of allies and colleagues. By right, his party mates should rally behind him to help him defend his position. Unfortunately, Azmin's predicament has been ignored. The effect of the divisive PKR election two years ago that split the party into two factions is now showing up.
Those who opposed or disagreed with Azmin are being passive to the MB's plight and the MB himself has shown no interest to involve them or try to integrate them for the sake of party unity. Azmin has failed to use the position of the Selangor MB to do anything to strengthen PKR as a party.
This is why it seems that Azmin has no friends or allies looking out for him or giving him support in such a crucial time. Names like Saifuddin Nasution Ismail, Mustafa Kamil Ayub, Nurul Izzah Anwar, Syed Husin Ali or Rafizi Ramli have not said much to defend Azmin or try to resolve the crisis with DAP, which could threaten Azmin's position.
In such a moment, James desperately needs the support and aspirations of partners, especially partners who can help him to continue as the MB. Perhaps Azmin now realizes his error in not acting to strengthen his own party and in not closing party ranks.mong party members. He could have done so in his capacity as PKR deputy president and Selangor MB.
CLICK HERE TO READ THE ORIGINAL IN MALAY  Menelah apa cerita Azmin dengan Sultan Shafaruddin

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