Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Siapa terpengaruh ISIS? Orang Islam yang moden, sekular & saintifik atau pengikut agama setan yang kolot, gagal dan miskin?

The Malaysian Insider

Terrorist organisation (Isis) on “aggressive mode” reaching out to Malay-speaking 

reading materials in Bahasa Malaysia more accessible online
propaganda through “localised news reports” and “articles” 

glorify Isis fighters from Malaysia and Indonesia

available on Isis Malay websites. 

shared information on Isis activities  

websites Isdarat Daulah Islamiyah containing articles from Isis magazine Dabiq

Isis recruiters (get) sympathy among Malays and Indons
Isis recruiters include articles on martyrdom and life with Isis
“They feed their sympathisers with fairy tales,” said Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay.
six to seven Isis Malay websites, forums and blogs.  
servers abroad to avoid detection in both countries
Isis includes Malay subtitles in radio programs 

Isis radio station Al-*****n available ... three months ago
access to recorded Isis radio programmes
Malay websites indicate  an “offensive approach” taken by Isis
"Before this, ‘defensive approach’, now, they changed tact"
book on Jihad Media calling on Muslims to perform jihad media
book widely circulated among Facebook users in Malaysia, Indonesia 
Jihad Media translated into several languages, including Indonesian.
Isis’s ideological dimension and implication ..worrying.
“Currently, there is an increase in interest among youths in rural areas in the east coast, especially among secondary and college students. 

Ini bukan saya cakap tau. Jangan marah saya. Yang cakap ni professor Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia. Nah baca baik-baik :

  • "International Islamic University Malaysia's (IIUM) Political Science and Islamic Studies lecturer Ahmad El-Muhammady said
  • “Currently, there is an increase in interest among youths in rural areas in the east coast, especially among secondary and college students. 
  • He said the use of Malay as the medium was all about penetrating deeper into Malaysian society."
  • "Those who are not educated in English still rely on the Malay website as source of reference.”
use of Malay all about penetrating deeper into Malaysian society 
"Those not educated in English still rely on Malay website as source of reference.”
MCMC said so far no Isis Malay websites have been shut down.
 MCMC was aware of the emergence of these sites and had a list of the websites but would not make it public. 

"So far, we have not blocked any such website but we did take down few videos on YouTube,” he told The Malaysian Insider. – June 16, 2015.

My comments :  The Universiti Islam guy says “Currently, there is an increase in interestamong youths in rural areas in the east coast, especially among secondary and college students.

Isnt that where the pengikut agama setan people are active?  Then the Universiti Islam guy says :

"Those not educated in English still rely on Malay website as source of reference.”

Padan muka.  Everyone knows, especially HRH the Sultan of Johor, that an English education widens your useful knowledge, widens your horizons and makes you a better informed person.

Kalau baca buku Bahasa Melayu saja your access to information, critical tinking and analytical skills are limited. Lagi senang percaya agama setan ISIS.  Lagi senang jadi pengikut agama setan. 
Baqarah 268 الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ
 'as - syaitaanu ya'iddu-kumu faqra' yang maksudnya 'syaitan janjikan kamu kemiskinan'.    The satan promises you poverty. Also stupidity and violence. 

Surah 4:76    إِنَّ كَيْدَ الشَّيْطَانِ كَانَ ضَعِيفًا

which means 'surely the satan is feeble minded' or in Malay 'kerana sesungguhnya tipu daya Syaitan itu adalah lemah'

The satan makes these people think they are rightly guided :

Surah 43:37  

وَإِنَّهُمْ لَيَصُدُّونَهُمْ عَنِ السَّبِيلِ وَيَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُم مُّهْتَدُونَ

Surah 43:37 Dan sesungguhnya Syaitan-syaitan itu tetap menghalangi mereka dari jalan yang benar, sedang mereka menyangka bahawa mereka orang-orang yang mendapat hidayah petunjuk.

43:37 They (satans) will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided.

Soalan terakhir : Siapa yang lebih mudah terpengaruh dengan ajaran setan seperti ini?

a. orang Islam yang moden, saintifik, sekular yang tahu ambil maklumat (membaca) dari pelbagai sumber terutama sekali dalam bahasa Inggeris (yang sangat luas dan mendalam bahan bacaannya); atau

b.   Currently, there is an increase in interest among youths in rural areas in the east coast, especially among secondary and college students. .. "Those not educated in English still rely on Malay website as source of reference

Sila fikir baik-baik.

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