Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Simplistic answers making rakyat suspicious, says Saifuddin

Umno man Saifuddin Abdullah says all the rakyat want are answers to nagging questions.
PETALING JAYA: Simplistic answers to complex questions have made the rakyat suspicious of the government’s actions, said Saifuddin Abdullah, a former deputy minister.
Speaking to Malaysiakini, he alluded to the many “stories” circulating among the people about issues in the country. presumably 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), and said the people only wanted to know which was false and which was true.
“I hope the relevant people in the government will reply quickly, and to the point.
“’The answers are too simplistic,” he said, of what the government has so far furnished the rakyat with.
He also told the news portal that many a time, clarifications were slow in coming out from the relevant parties and that many did not even address the actual questions being asked.
“Hence, some rakyat think the government is hiding something. Sometimes, the answers are too simplistic, to the extent that some rakyat feel the government is insulting their intelligence.”
He also said it was not right that only the prime minister was left to address all questions, and added, “The person in-charge must be responsible in answering the queries.”
The news portal spoke to Saifuddin in regard to his earlier tweets in which he had said the rakyat was not being given answers to the questions they had posed to the government.
“The rakyat asks question A, you answer question B; and then you say you have answered the question.
“When the rakyat asks again, you say you have answered it and say that the rakyat are influenced by the opposition,” he had tweeted.

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