Monday, June 1, 2015

Tee: DAP uses tactics employed by Hitler

The preacher accuses DAP leaders of trying to sow doubt and to project themselves as angels.
PETALING JAYA: Controversial preacher Ridhuan Tee has alleged that DAP leaders, in their polemics with PAS, have the insidious purpose of turning Muslims away from the true teachings of Islam.
“They use Islam in their attempt to bring down PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang,” he says in his Sinar Harian column today. “They say Islam advocates temperance in behaviour and speech, as opposed to belligerence,” he says, asserting that the Quran does not advocate a soft approach against “infidels” at all times and under all circumstances.
Tee does not mention DAP directly, preferring to use the term “ultra kiasu”, his code phrase for non-Muslims and Muslims who allegedly stray from Islam. In the current article, the phrase obviously refers specifically to DAP and its leaders.
“The ultra kiasu are spreading poison to establish an atmosphere of doubt and to project themselves as angels,” he says.
He accuses DAP of waging a veritable psychological war against Muslims to “capture their minds” in the belief that “their hearts and souls will follow.”
He says the insidious purpose is also apparent in the political challenges the DAP poses to the government in Putrajaya. He does not provide examples, but instead speaks of the party’s alleged hypocrisy in the Penang government’s apparent refusal to accept Rohingya refugees.
Again without elaborating, he says DAP uses tactics employed by German dictator Hitler and Sun Tzu, the famous military strategist of ancient China.
“The ultra kiasu once condemned me for quoting Hitler,” he says. “Today, they are the ones using Hitler’s strategy.”
He warns Muslims against being “taken in” by DAP, saying it would “use all means necessary to paint the government in a bad light” and to give the impression that its leaders are sincere in fighting for the interests of the people, including Muslims.
“Note that they do not, when addressing Muslims, mention activities that would be against their interest to condemn, such as drinking, gambling, prostitution and the proliferation of entertainment clubs,” he says.
Referring to DAP’s allegation that PAS has reneged on its promise to Pakatan Rakyat that it would not pursue its hudud agenda, Tee says the Islamist party is doing the right thing even if the allegation is true.
“It is not wrong for PAS to break its promise,” he says. “It is allowed if fulfilling the promise threatens Islam’s integrity.”


  1. Hahaha...this man has finally said it - Hadi Awang has broken his promise. If I am right, the Quran is against such an evil act. One maha guru (HA) breach the rules in Quran, whilst another says its tight to do so. Well, I'm sure when they die, they will face the boss. Hahaha, now what dies HA has to say to this admission?

  2. Hahaha...this man has finally said it - Hadi Awang has broken his promise. If I am right, the Quran is against such an evil act. One maha guru (HA) breach the rules in Quran, whilst another says its tight to do so. Well, I'm sure when they die, they will face the boss. Hahaha, now what dies HA has to say to this admission?


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