Thursday, June 18, 2015

THE PEOPLE NOW CURSE AT NAJIB & UMNO: A need for new heroes - Johor royalty refreshing change

THE PEOPLE NOW CURSE AT NAJIB & UMNO: A need for new heroes - Johor royalty refreshing change
Without fear or favor, let us for a moment step back, remove our lens of political prejudices and sworn loyalties and take inventory of the political crisis that Malaysia is into currently.
Leaving the widely available analysis from within corporate corridors; putting aside the viewpoints of political analysts from the Umno block as well as the opposition blocks, let us comb the street sentiments for a frame to capture the future of Umno – Malaysia’s premium political party these past over five decades.
What do Malaysians see of their country’s political future?
People are very unhappy, short of cursing the politicians for the mess the country is into. Each time an Umno politician opens his or her mouth or tries to showcase his or her support for Najib and Rosmah (the prime minister of Malaysia and his spouse), the street overflows with cynical chuckles and heads shaking in disbelief.
The Umno Youth leader, Khairy Jamaluddin’s attempt to showcase piggy-back support to his boss fell apart. Some others from the coalition, who ventured to bridle the wave of attacks on Najib, got their fingers and lips burnt just as quickly.
Kok Wing can't help you, no one can
PM Najib
The prime minister himself tried pumping up waves of “I Love PM” gatherings but the people remain unimpressed. Despite the main stream media painting the town red with beaming news of support for the PM, the street is chocking with disbelieve.
The PM hired maverick Public Relations strategies ranging from APCO to Paul to now a local Advertising mogul, Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing. All of these are not working because the Najib and Rosmah team is still not the darling of all Malaysians, going by the street benchmark.
Despite all the explanations; despite all the investigations; despite all the seeming approval to give Najib another six months to dabble with the 1MDB, people have lost hope on his ‘endless possibilities’ and ‘a million promises’. In fact 1MDB has already failed in the eyes of the ordinary Malaysians.
Najib's 'janji ditepati' - explain the crumbling ringgit!
Today, Malaysians are seeing Umno as an arrogant bunch of leaders who only paid them lip service and scattered crumbs on their highway to their personal riches.
The weakening Ringgit is not only hurting the millions of migrant workers in the country as they cry over the sliding exchange rate, people all across the country are getting alarmed by this “never before” scenario. With the ringgit now fetching less and less of the Thai Bath, Indian Rupees, Indonesian Rupiahs and Philippine Peso, people agree that Umno is the cause.
Even if sworn loyalists of Umno argued otherwise - like creating the Soros scare for example, people will this time around not buy because for a long time Umno and its coalition have been trumpeting their mantras of ‘delivering on our promises’ and ‘another project brought to you by Barisan Nasional’.
Hence, when the Ringgit cascades lower than their Asean neighbors’ currencies, Malaysians plainly see it as Umno’s cumulative failure.
Malaysians are also worn and tired with all the propaganda matinees showcasing ‘Malays under threat’; ‘religion under threat’; and what nots.
Umno-BN politically bankrupt, Johor royalty a refreshing breath of air
As Malaysians start to see how other countries are riding way and well above the race and religion equation successfully – thanks to You-Tube, Facebook and Instagram, people realize that Umno is bankrupt of political panaceas.
Hence, wisely, the Johor Royalty is already harnessing this wave above the race and religion equation by suggesting English Language in education and equal space and opportunities for all Johoreans. And it is gaining traction among Malaysians.

The street sentiment is, Umno cannot re-invent itself. Its opportunities for transformation died a long time ago, intact, with with the slogan wars.
The death of Umno therefore has to be marked with Najib abdicating his leadership role, along with his spouse who also has gained a larger than real talk of the town.
But that will not be the end of the story. The GST has inflicted much pain on households and the uncontrolled inflation scarring livelihoods. People want solutions. At some point, whoever and whatever re-invented or rebranded political party that takes over from Umno will have to prove its worth by making sure that all the ill-gotten gains are returned to the country and the crooks punished. Anything less invites a revolution of sorts.
Indeed these are defining moments. The truth better be told and acknowledged now than latter. Malaysia’s political landscape is indeed in crisis. It needs fundamental changes not political party resurrections or worst some patchwork to buy time.
The season for surviving on rural and ignorant voters is already well on its way out. Malaysians widely believe that they do not have to suffer and wait till the next General Elections to save their country. They increasingly feel that they want the changes yesterday. This the Election Commission must wake up to with speed to avoid a compounded catastrophe. - MAILBAG

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum wr.wb,saya WIWI ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada eyang guntur atas bantuan eyang. kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan dan berkat bantuan eyang guntur pula yang telah memberikan angka ritual kepada saya yaitu 4D dan alhamdulillah berhasil..sekali lagi makasih yaa eyang karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang cuma 100rb dan akhirnya saya menang. Berkat angka GAIB hasil ritual eyang guntur saya sudah bisa melanjutkan kulia saya lagi dan kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan HUB eyang di nomor hpnya: 0823-3744-3355 atau dan ramalan eyang guntur memang memiliki ramalan GHOIB” yang dijamin 100% tembus.


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