Tuesday, June 23, 2015

‘Urine’ remark a joke? My foot! – Ravinder Singh

Yes, go on, defend the teacher who “joked” during the assembly in front of several hundred pupils, a majority of them Muslim, that the non-Muslim pupils should hide themselves in the toilet to drink water, but should be careful not to drink their own urine!
Do the defenders of this “joke” not realise that such “jokes” only sully Ramadan, and they are helping a racist teacher bring Islam to ridicule, even if he is one of their own kind?
To digress for a moment, for those who are thinking that changing the medium of instruction from Malay to English will bring back the glory of the former English schools – please think again and again.

With such racism in this school today, will it regain the glory of those days by merely the flick of a switch from Malay to English medium?    
This “joke” was a planned act meant to teach the Muslim students how to ridicule their non-Muslims schoolmates. It was meant to sow the seeds of racism, of looking down upon the non-Muslims. Ramadan was seen and used as an excellent “cover” for the nefarious intention and action.
Over the past years we have seen how Ramadan has been abused as a very safe “cover” for racism in schools.
The tacit approval of this “cover”, as in the latest case by the defense of this racist teacher by claiming it was only a “joke”, has emboldened racist opportunists to raise their ugly heads and show their hatred for non-Muslims. Defenseless schoolchildren under their care are the easiest targets for them. If they are man enough, they should make such jokes in adult audiences.    
The wonder of wonders is that none of the religious authorities are taking these anti-Islam racists to task. This only encourages and goads them on. Yes, in my understanding of Islam, teachers who make such “jokes” are anti-Islam for nowhere in Islam are they ordered to treat non-Muslims like that.
It is this kind of hatred for non-Muslims and even for some other Muslims who have different views from theirs, that gives rise to ISIS-ism (referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). Allowing racism in schools is the worst thing. It is a sure road to ISIS-ism.
Could Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom,  the minister in charge of religious affairs, please tell us non-Muslims whether such “jokes” should spew from the mouths of fasting Muslims, the more so in a multiracial country and even more so in schools?
What sin have the non-Muslim pupils in this school committed for them to be humiliated and ridiculed in front of their Muslim schoolmates? In the schools of the 50s and 60s fasting Muslim students used to sit and chat with their non-Muslim friends during recess, even if the non-Muslims might be eating pork dishes. There was no fuss. There was no such thing as Muslim students must not see non-Muslims eating or drinking lest they forget they were fasting and break their fast.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the head of the family he labeled “1Malaysia”, is not seen to be the least bothered by the actions of racist Muslims who are not following the teachings of Islam. If Islam be the official religion of the country, shouldn’t the authorities ensure that the Muslims do not bring disgrace to Islam by their un-Islamic words and actions? Is there a hidden agenda to allow racism to grow?
Could Kedah exco member Datuk Tajul Urus Mat Zain and the police who defended the teacher please tell us honestly whether they would similarly excuse any non-Muslim teacher in a vernacular school who similarly “jokes” that the Muslim children (there are many Malay children in Chinese schools today) should go and have their drinks in the toilets, but should be careful not to drink their own urine?
"Terlangsung perahu boleh balik, terlangsung capak tak boleh balik." Surely the teacher cannot be ignorant of this peri bahasa or proverb. So if he chooses to ignore the advice of this proverb and wants to be a hero of racism, he is doing it deliberately.
This racist person in Sekolah Kebangsaan Ibrahim Sungai Petani, a so-called teacher, is therefore unfit to be a teacher, even in religious schools, for Islam does not teach Muslims to hate non-Muslims who have not done anything wrong. He should be removed from the education system.
Stop giving face to such racists by creating excuse to defend them.  
Stop racism in schools.
* Ravinder Singh reads The Malaysian Insider.

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