Monday, June 22, 2015

WHAT ARE MACC, PDRM, EC THERE FOR? Umno man tells WSJ to show proof of Najib's 1MDB-election funds link

WHAT ARE MACC, PDRM, EC THERE FOR? Umno man tells WSJ to show proof of Najib's 1MDB-election funds link
An Umno leader today demanded that the Wall Street Journal substantiate its recent news report that 1MDB funds were diverted to bankroll Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's 13th general election campaign.
Failing so, he said, the influential American business newspaper should retract its report and stop making baseless allegations.
"WSJ is trying to accuse us of spending 1MDB money to buy votes in the election. This is a very serious allegation on their part. What proof do they have ?" asked Umno supreme council member Tajuddin Abdul Rahman
“Malaysia had gone through 13 general elections and 1MDB didn't exist during the first 12 polls. Are they trying to say that without 1MDB, we couldn't have made it go through the election?"
"If they don't have enough evidence, stop all these wild allegations," the agriculture and agro-based industry deputy minister told Malaysiakini in a phonecall from Vietnam.
"I don't care if they are international media, we weren't spending that much of money. If not, the Election Commission would have come against us," he said.
"The West, their media and certain lobby groups and writers are always against us.
"I can also make allegation. I want to ask WSJ, what's is their hidden agenda? Is it for their love of Malaysia? " he asked. - M'kini

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