Saturday, June 20, 2015


(Malay Mail Online) – Leaders of Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) member parties are still squabbling over the status of their loosely formed political alliance but according to Wikipedia, the pact officially “dissolved” on Tuesday.
A search for “Pakatan Rakyat” on the free encyclopedia shows that the page, which was updated yesterday, now says that the pact that was formed on April 1, 2008, ceased to exist on Tuesday following DAP’s declaration of its so-called death.
Citing an article on Channel News Asia, the page says: “On 16th June 2015 DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng in a statement to the media announced that Pakatan Rakyat ceased to exist.
“DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said the party’s action was to recognise the current political reality. He added there was a need for a new political coalition based on principles, and not sheer power.
“They also speculated that another coalition of parties will be formed based on principle that will continue the legacy of Pakatan Rakyat.”
Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that is written collaboratively by those who use it.
On June 6, PAS on confirmed its decision to sever ties with DAP while still remaining in PR with PKR, after its motion to do so was approved without debate.
On Tuesday, Lim declared the “death” of PR and blamed Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang for the coalition’s demise, saying the PAS president’s recent actions as well as the Islamist party’s decision at its congress to sever ties with DAP meant PR’s Common Policy Framework was broken.
A day later, PKR weighed in on the matter by saying that the pact will no longer function formally as a coalition, following “hasty” decisions by partners DAP and PAS.
PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail said, however, that she hoped the spirit of cooperation between the three parties in Selangor and Penang would continue — despite the recent developments.
PAS leaders have since issued conflicting remarks on their party’s position. Yesterday, Hadi insisted that the pact was still intact, saying the DAP could not make unilateral decisions on its survival.

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