Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Zaid, an attention-seeking turncoat, says Syed Ali

Umno man slams Zaid Ibrahim for alleging that Malays will be like Taliban under Prime Minister Najib Razak.
zaid,syed ali
PETALING JAYA: Incensed over claims by Zaid Ibrahim that Malays under Prime Minister Najib Razak would be more like the Taliban, Syed Ali Alhabshee slammed the former law minister as a turncoat out for his five minutes of fame.
In a fiery blog posting, dedicated to running down Zaid, Syed Ali, who is Umno Cheras Division chief defended prime minister Najib, saying he was a “British-trained economist, brought up in a family of intellectuals who practice moderation”.
He also said Zaid had made a “laughing stock” of himself by issuing the Taliban claim and added, “Datuk Zaid is history, where politics is concerned.”
Describing him as a turncoat who left Umno, then flirted briefly with the Opposition, Syed Ali said, “It’s become rather fashionable to jump ship to the Opposition and start mouthing venom against Umno. Or to fashion oneself as the intellectual who finds every reason to criticise the government.”
He said Zaid was unable to perform his duties effectively as a minister or an Opposition leader but was however good at making “noise from the periphery”.
He also found Zaid’s subtle hints that the PM was willing to consider working with PAS as “unbecoming” and added, “Datuk Zaid certainly doesn’t have to stoop this low for political limelight.”
Syed Ali did however acknowledge that Umno was not perfect.
“It’s leaders have flaws, just like other political parties and politicians all over the world.
“But slamming the government with nonsensical allegations just goes to prove that the person is desperate for attention.”

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