Wednesday, July 1, 2015

10-year-old uncle of abused Orang Asli girl threatened

The boy's mother is keeping him from school now as she is worried for his safety
orang asli girl
KUALA LUMPUR: The 10-year-old uncle of the Orang Asli girl who was beaten up by three male teachers, has been threatened by an individual who wants the reports lodged against them to be withdrawn.
Following the public outcry over the beatings 10-year-old Siti Nur Azdilia suffered at the hands of the teachers, a man known only as Ali has now approached the girls’ uncle, Kiso a/l Abus and tried to intimidate him.
According to the police report that was posted on the Facebook page of the Centre for Orang Asli Concerns’s (COAC), Ali had grabbed Kiso by the hand and badgered him about Siti’s abuse case to which the boy could not respond out of fear.
The police report was lodged by project manager of JOAS (The Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia) Koong Hui Yein.
Worried that her son may be harmed, the boy’s mother Andak, who is also Siti’s grandmother, has now decided to keep him from attending school for his own safety.
Ali had previously paid Andak a visit following a police report she had lodged against the three teachers, Cikgu Arif, Cikgu Saki and Cikgu Talib from SK Kuala Betis, in an attempt to coerce her into withdrawing her report. He also implied that he had connections with the police.
Recently new details have emerged to shed light on the circumstances surrounding Siti’s abuse.
A new Facebook posting today detailed the incident leading up to the actual abuse and events following in a timeline.

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