Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blogger calls for video of Muhyiddin to be probed

Also says that Task Force must complete its investigations.
PETALING JAYA: Amidst some comedic commentary, juicy gossip and bold predictions, blogger Syed Akhbar Ali made some noteworthy points today.
First, he argued that the multi-agency task force set up to investigate allegations made against Prime Minister Najib Razak ought to take into account the contents of the video clip which went viral on social media yesterday.
In the video, sacked Deputy Prime Minister Muhyddin Yassin appears to be telling Mukhriz Mahathir, Kadir Sheikh Fadzir and several others, that Najib had admitted to receiving substantial sums of money in his personal account.
“This is first-hand testimony. This is NOT hearsay testimony,” he hastens to add.
Syed thinks that those revelations are sufficient to force Najib from office, and soon.
“From what I hear, you can hold your breath,” he says.
He says that the real question is who will replace Najib.
The answer, apparently, is not Zahid Hamidi. That, he says is “impossible”.
“The replacement for Najib will be the Deputy President of UMNO. Which is still Muhyiddin Yassin. Haaaa haaaa,” he says with glee. Muhyddin’s tenure appears to be secure thanks to the Umno Supreme Council’s decision last month to defer party elections.
In the meantime, he points out that the multi-agency task force set up to investigate the allegations must complete its investigations.
“After arresting office boys and such surely the Task Force CANNOT shut down the investigation,” he adds.
But the task force may be hampered if rumours of MACC chief commissioner Abu Kassim Mohamed going on leave are true.
The juicier bits of his posting today will have to remain and be read on his blog.

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