Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Kilang JVC Tutup, MARA overpay RM18m untuk satu lagi bangunan di Australia. Siapa peduli. Yang miskin dulu Melayu juga.

Here is some sad news. It says 'penutupan kilang JVC di Shah Alam'. I suppose this could be a not too recent picture. 

Either permanently shut down, because of low technology issues or because the factory moved to Thailand, Vietnam or China. 

Also low technology but lower labour costs and the three shifts a day need not stop for prayers five times a day.  So bye bye Malaysia.  Welcome China, Vietnam and Thailand.

Then we also have this news from Astro Awani  :

I have a question for MARA. Do they understand the meaning of amana? Amana or amanah (Malay) means trust. 

An arab language expert once told me that 'amanoo' means 'those trusted'. 

The root word is 'amana'. Derivatives are iman, amanoo, mukmin etc.

So how many jobs has MARA created for unemployed Malaysians after spending all these millions of Ringgit overseas? 

Yang tipu duit besar macam ini orang besar UMNO dan orang Melayu juga. 

Yang jadi miskin pula orang kecil UMNO dan orang Melayu juga.

Elok lah tu.  Macam ini pun termasuk definisi 'ketuanan' ke?   

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