Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Kuching to be declared world’s first ‘City of Unity’

Chairman of Yayasan 1Malaysia says the unique interaction displayed among the various races in Kuching is the most impressive in the country.
PETALING JAYA: Yayasan 1Malaysia (Y1M) has announced that Kuching will become the world’s first City of Unity come August 1, 2015, in conjunction with a celebration to mark Kuching’s elevation to city status 27 years ago.
The ceremony, to be officiated by Sarawak Chief Minister Adenan Satem, will be held at the Stadium Perpaduan Kuching.
The move is the initiative of Y1M, the 1Malaysia Foundation, a civil society group established in July 2009 to promote unity among the diverse communities that constitute the Federation of Malaysia.
Speaking at a press conference today, Chairman of Y1M Dr Chandra Muzaffar highlighted the various factors why Kuching was eligible to be called the City of Unity.
“The background of the citizens of Kuching consists of many cultures and religions. Aside from that, the interaction among the races is the most impressive,” Chandra said, adding that because of this, almost 30 per cent of marriages in Sarawak were cross-ethnic.
“This racial harmony exists because of multi-racial schools, fair scholarship distributions and balanced workforce patterns.
“A stable administrative system and strong political stands also play a part,” Chandra elaborated.
The Kuching International Forum on Unity (KIFU), during which the city’s official declaration will be made, is to be held on August 2.
“The objective of the forum is to encourage intellectual reflection on the challenge of promoting unity.
“It will also seek to persuade policy-makers to pay greater attention to the role of grass-root communities in nurturing and nourishing inter-religious and inter-ethnic empathy and solidarity,” Chandra added.
The official declaration ceremony and the forum are organised by Y1M with the cooperation of the Chief Minister’s Office.

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