Wednesday, July 1, 2015

REPENT NAJIB: Justo's sham arrest shows how much EVIL & DISHONESTY Najib is willing to use to stay as PM

REPENT NAJIB: Justo's sham arrest shows how much EVIL & DISHONESTY Najib is willing to use to stay as PM
The Justo sham arrest.
I have a simple question to the journalists who wrote who is Xavier Justo in the NST. Can they even pronounce his name correctly?
Please don’t practise the black art of journalism. Last time, when the world was internet-less, you can. You can write down to us, we readers had no recourse to respond and you editors would probably throw our comments into the dustbin. Most of you created a mythic persona because of enforced inaccessibility.
In this age, every one can be a journalist and can even write better than most of the acne-faced stringers. As to the previous mythic figures, most are finally exposed as just paper tigers.
The NST showed a Caucasian naked above the waist- no doubt that raises the temperature in some women journalists; with tattoos all over. Now, a person with tattoos evoke a sense of revulsion among Muslims as tattoos are prohibited on Muslims because they disqualify the Muslim from prayers.
We need to discount and ignore the artwork on his body. This chap is not a Muslim so having tattoos all over, isn’t the concern of the Muslim puritan. Please go away.
A person having tattoos is not necessarily a bad person. The ibans and dayaks all have tattoos yet they are good people. If you were to take a picture of Najib above the waist, he has no tattoos but he is now reviled as an untrustworthy and a serial liar leading the country to destruction. The picture of Justo, naked over his torso was calculated to elicit revulsion and abhorrence and an irrational prejudgement.
It’s a rank amateurish stunt.
What goes around comes around
The voluminous expose by Sarawak report and The Edge aren’t going to be overridden by one-liner concoctions attempting to discredit the root of the matter- the odious wrongs undertaken through 1MDB.
When Justo was arrested, journalists from NST were already there. Did they know beforehand or were they flown over there to do a coverage?
The manner the arrest was seized upon and hailed as evidence, indication, or whatever term the Najib PR people chooses to use or the director of Najib’s back operations wants to call it- the arrest only serve to heighten suspicions that it was carried out to clean Najib.
It will require much more than a staged arrest to clean Najib’s Aegean stable of lies and deceit.
The director of Najib’s black operations needs to remember that when Hercules completed the task, he was not appreciated. The same fate probably awaits this fellow.
The arrest only serves to reinforce everyone’s belief that Najib will do anything to claim innocence. Like presently appearing before TV on a nightly basis, talking piously about solving all the problems regarding 1MDB. The holy month ought not to be desecrated by Najib’s pious pretences and deceitfulness.
He can’t- he has been in the thick of things right from the beginning. I was informed that only when matters got out of hand, did Najib share his misadventure with the cabinet. He made a secret project with Petro Saudi through the agency of Jho Low.
That is why Dr Mahathir says the arrest was suspicious.
A costly act staged to 'clean' Najib
Why don’t we just say it out in the open? This must be an act commissioned by Najib’s PR people to save Najib. If that is so, then this is an amateurish attempt.
They must have spent a lot of money to commission the arrest to match the money spent by the fraudster PSI. This fellow got pad a few million USD as a parting of ways or whatever, then he got greedy to blackmail the former company of a lesser amount?
How can a person blackmail using falsified documents? And I must repeat this; only if the party actually did something wrong, is it open to blackmail. If you have done nothing wrong, what is it that you can be blackmailed on?

Now it’s out in the open. PGI the firm hired by PSI- won’t confirm whether documents used by Justo were tampered. It has to wait for permission from PSI. So, it dances to the pied piper’s tune.
Do we lend credence to PSI who lied right from the beginning? It lied to 1MDB about the oil and gas assets and induced or conspired with people in 1MDB to pay USD1.5 billion as its share in the bogus enterprise.
Upon receipt of the money, USD700 million was used to pay and outstanding debt. Remember this before accepting the Justo red herring- 1MDB paid USD1.5 billion without actually knowing whether the assets actually existed and where they were. Or couldn’t care less whether the assets existed and then willingly transferred USD700 into another account.
What kind of incentives were able to induce a temporary lapse of memory on the part of the executives at 1MDB and then things made worse with the endorsement by the bald incompetence of the finance Minister?
All the while you are dealing with PSI as the other party, then you pay one who wasn’t a party to the contract. What kind of businessmen were running 1mdb at that time? Shahrol Helmi, the BOD and even the adviser to the BOD whose imprimatur on all transactions is mandatory, should be lynched for this.
This arrest of Justo is a fiendish ruse by Najib and his black operations team. The work carried out by the Edge and Sarawak Report and the endeavours of people like Tony Pua and Rafizi Ramli, cannot be the labour based on falsified reports.  -

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