Thursday, August 27, 2015


UPDATED KUALA LUMPUR - In a sign that Prime Minister Najib Razak's grip on the government was loosening as calls for his resignation rose to a crescendo, the Armed Forces said they would intervene in the planned Bersih 4 rally, but only if the government declares a state of emergency.
The unusual concession by Armed Forces chief of possible 'military intervention' sent tremors across the the nation, but perhaps not of the sort that the 62-year-old Najib, whom many suspect of being behind the latest scare statement, may have hoped for.
"It's hard to see such a threat becoming reality because it would drag in the King, who is Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, throw the entire economy into a tizzy. Najib might as well resign immediately," Opposition Member of Parliament Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.
Najib's hold weakening
Tian's views were echoed by analysts familiar with Najib's Umno party.
The analysts also believed the sudden emergence of the Armed Forces in the Bersih 4 scenario signified that Najib's influence over his new deputy Zahid Hamidi was waning.
Zahid is not only the deputy prime minister but also Home minister in charge of the police and home security. In recent weeks, Zahid has come under fire from senior party members for the rather far-fetched explanations he has offered over the massive RM2.6 billion donation controversially discovered in Najib's personal bank accounts.
Just a day ago, former premier Mahathir Mohamad demanded that Zahid showed proof the money really came form an Arab donor as he had claimed, and to state on what terms and conditions was such a huge sum given, amid fears that Najib may have compromised Malaysia's sovereignty by accepting such a huge 'donation'.
"I agree this is a very irresponsible attempt by the Najib camp to use the Army and the spectre of Emergency rule to frighten off a very embarrassing moment for Najib. The fact that they are willing to do this, even though it may send the Ringgit crashing even lower, shows they only care for their own political interests," an analyst told Malaysia Chronicle.
"For me, I fear the chaos Najib would create if he really went ahead to declare Emergency rule would ensure he would be toppled by his own party within the very same day."
Zahid having second thoughts
While Najib has denied wrongdoing, he has yet to give a public accounting of how the money has been used, refusing to confirm or deny reports that he had transferred out to Singapore some RM2 billion of the original RM2.6 billion amount.
This has tipped the tide in favor of his critics who want him to hand over the baton to his former deputy, Muhyiddin Yassin, whom Najib sacked last month and replaced with Zahid.
"For the Army chief to come out and make a comment like shows that perhaps Najib has been rebuffed by the Home Ministry to implement harsher action on Bersih, such as a crackdown and mass arrests of Bersih leaders and Umno rivals like Mahathir.
"Hopefully, for once, Zahid is wise to keep his counsel and put the interests of the people first, not the political survival of his boss. Maybe this is why Najib has to lean on the Army chiefs but to what extent can the military obey his orders?"
Wave of anti-Najib sentiment reaching a crescendo
People's movement Bersih 4 is due to hold a massive 34-hour rally beginning on Saturday. Among the demands the rally plans to make include reforms to ensure free and fair elections, and for Najib to go on leave pending the corruption investigation against himself and his controversial 1MDB sovereign fund.
Already, the roads leading into the heart of the Kuala Lumpur city centre have been closed off.
Threats from Najib's cohorts in the Cabinet and various government agencies warning the people of dire consequences and punishment if they attended the planned peaceful rally have been non-stop.
Yet, record crowds - perhaps in the hundreds of thousands - are expected to turn up. Indeed, the wave of anti-Najib sentiment is reaching a crescendo, especially with the Ringgit hitting record lows unseen in 17-years
At 3:42 pm, the Ringgit was trading at 4.2045 against the U.S. dollar after having hit as low as 4.2995 a day ago, and as profit-taking set in today.
Thai situation fears
Tan Sri Zulkifeli Mohd Zin
According to The Star Online, Malaysian Armed Forces (ATM) chief Zulkifeli Mohd Zin said the military has thus far not been involved in preventing the rally from continuing because the situation has not called for it yet.
"ATM will only intervene in the rally if the government declares a state of emergency. If the situation is categorised as a threat to public order, we will take over the role of the police in containing the situation," he told a press conference on Thursday.
Zulkifeli clarified that even though ATM personnel have not been deployed to monitor the planned rally on Aug 29 and Aug 30, they have been conducting annual training sessions for the eventuality that a peaceful gathering may get out of hand.
"It doesn't mean we haven't been carrying out training with the police to to maintain public order. We need to ensure that we are always prepared, skilled and efficient in our duties should the government declare a state of emergency," he said.
Zulkifeli noted that it was important for ATM to take preventive measures as he is concerned that an incident similar to Aug 17's bombing of the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, Thailand might happen in the country.
"We worry if rallies like these turn into states of emergency due to certain reasons. What happened in the Thailand bombing- there are people who take advantage of the situation..This is what we worry about.
"There are many factors that could turn a rally, however peaceful, chaotic," said Zulkifeli. Malaysia Chronicle

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