Friday, August 28, 2015

There already are two Malaysias!

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I ─ I took the one less travelled by, And it has made all the difference (Robert Frost)
By Ann Martinez
We should not create two Malaysias they say but they fail to see that there already are two Malaysias …
The Malaysia who engineered the RM2.6 billion “donation”
The Malaysia that has to pay the price.
The Malaysia that speaks its mind when and where it likes and however it likes regardless of whether it be fact or fiction
The Malaysia that is constantly reminded to be mindful of how it speaks and what it says because there will be repercussions.
The Malaysia who says do as I say, NOT as I do
The Malaysia who follows its conscience and knows right from wrong.
The Malaysia who demands loyalty, who dictates what the loyalty looks like and sounds like
The Malaysia who lives loyalty, who works hard, gives their best in all they do, pays their taxes, follows the rules.
The Malaysia who constantly and deliberately divides and rules
The Malaysia that rallies around a cause.
Which Malaysia are you?

Ann Martinez, a Malaysian who lives in the US is an FMT columnist

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