Thursday, August 27, 2015


It is indeed a quagmire situation that the current prime minister of Malaysia has dragged an entire nation of people and institutions into. And that in itself also by the way best explains why the ringgit is plunging while our national reserves are draining fast.
First, if Najib steps down, given the tidal wave of rising anti-Najib voices from within and outside Umno it does not stop just with him leaving. His wife too will have to give up her well-financed pet project and portfolios.
That fall will not be easy for Malaysia’s self-styled ‘First Lady’.
Second, Najib’s fall from grace is certain to implicate a coterie of leaders from the newly minted Deputy Prime Minister all the way through several ministries headed by Najib’s strong supporters. All those within Umno and even the BN component parties who took that risk since the early days of the 1MDB expose to defend and speak up for Najib will either have to throw the towel in quickly before the citizens’ rage catches up with them or they must be prepared to be roasted on the fire of public anger.
Third, it will be interesting to see how the paid mouth-piece and spineless media will spin to quickly become turncoats. While all these past months they have been blind and deaf to the public’s outcry while trumpeting Najib and Rosmah on front page glorious news, wonder how they be with the fall of Najib.
Fourth, all those heading the various institutions of governance, law and order will also have to be accountable for their actions and inactions this far. Failing which, they too will be dragged down by the heavy fall of the Najib-administration.
It is no secret that not only has the Johor Royalty expressed serious concern for the wrong-doings within Putrajaya but even elder-statesmen and veterans within Umno have come out in the open to demand Najib to step down before the nation sinks beneath the ocean of hope.
The recent verbiage spluttered by Najib - ranging from from “utter rubbish" to the more recent “bangsat” (bastard) are clear indications that this man has lost his grip on truth and reality.
Hence, under these circumstances it is most worrying what if he declares emergency and takes over with the reins of the police and military under his grips? After all his henchman, the DPM is also the Home Minister, right?
Pray Malaysia be saved. Do something for Malaysia to be save.
This is certainly not the season for political party expediency let alone becoming a champion of sorts. The nation needs to be saved by all of us. Therefore all right minded citizens and leaders from all across the divides must converge, convene and save this damaged ship that is being threatened further by collateral damage posing imminent dangers beyond our imagination.
Hence, Tun Dr. Mahathir must drop his Umno pursuit for the moment and join the citizens in saving a nation from collateral damage in time. If it has to be a unity government thereafter, so be it for nation, citizens and sovereignty come before political party resuscitation. The time will come later to strengthen political parties along more transparent and ethical fundamentals. - MAILBAG

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