Wednesday, September 16, 2015

1MDB-LINKED? 'I am on leave' ex-AG Gani raises eyebrows as he visits murdered Kevin at morgue

1MDB-LINKED? 'I am on leave' ex-AG Gani raises eyebrows as he visits murdered Kevin at morgue
KUALA LUMPUR - In what may be his first public appearance since his abrupt replacement as the country's Attorney-General, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail (pix) arrived at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital to pay his last respects to his former staff Deputy Public Prosecutor Kevin Morais.
A dressed-down Abdul Gani arrived at about 2pm and was seen embracing Morais' family members and other prosecutors inside the mortuary.
In the mean time, police and doctors begin a post-mortem on the body, which was found encased in cement in an oil drum in USJ 1, Wednesday morning.
"Its a sad day. We have lost a good officer," Abdul Gani told reporters outside the hospital.
He said Kevin was a "good man" and one he trusted to handle some of the Chamber's toughest cases during his career.
When asked by reporters if the 55-year-old's work was what led to his death, the former AG refused to speculate.
"I don't have any idea. I am on leave. I am enjoying myself," he said. "So please ask the police officers. But I wish the family well," he added before walking to his car and driving off. - ANN

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