Monday, September 28, 2015

ANIFAH GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT: Deputy minister denies jumping the gun on China envoy

ANIFAH GAVE THE GREEN LIGHT: Deputy minister denies jumping the gun on China envoy
Deputy Foreign Minister Reezal Naina Merican denied Tourism Minster Nazri Abdul Aziz claim that Reezal breached protocol by calling in China ambassador to Malaysia Huang Huikang over Huang’s remarks at Petaling Street on Friday.
Reezal told Malaysiakini the decision to call in Huang to explain the visit was sanctioned by Foreign Minister Anifah Aman, who is now in New York for the United Nations General Assembly.
“As such, it is inaccurate to report that I made the decision to meet with the Chinese ambassador.
“I’ve not signed any letter, neither have I breached any protocol as alleged, and I am fully aware of Wisma Putra’s standard operating procedure.
“I have full confidence in Wisma Putra officials in handling such a situation,” he said.
Tourism Minister Nazri earlier slammed Reezal, for allegedly breaching protocol with a directive to call in the ambassador.
Nazri told Malaysiakini this is because only an acting foreign minister, and not a deputy minister can issue such calls.
He also claimed that the directive was cancelled.
However, Huang  met with acting Foreign Minister Hamzah Zainuddin over the matter today.
Hamzah was deputy foreign minister before the July cabinet reshuffle, when he was made domestic trade, co-operatives and consumerism minister.
Huang had visited Petaling Street on the eve of a later-cancelled rally by Malay groups.
This followed Sept 16 rally, where a handful protestors who gathered to “defend Malay dignity” tried to storm the traditional ethnic Chinese trading area, in retaliation to the Bersih 4 rally in August.
The Bersih 4 rally was to call for Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s resignation.
Reezal was among those who attended the Sept 16 rally, which attracted about 45,000 people.
Huang had during his Petaling Street visit on Sept 25 said China hopes Malaysia will remain stable.
He said while China does not intervene in domestic affairs, it will not sit idly if China's interests are affected.
Today, he said there is "no issue" and hopes his visit and remarks are not misinterpreted. - M'kini

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