Monday, September 28, 2015

Malaysiakini : World's Press Onto Najib

Image result for najib at UNImage result for Press at UN

This is from Malaysiakini here :

Najib gets bad press abroad ahead of UN address

Najib attracting negative headlines in leading publications abroad 

ahead of his address at the UN in New York on Oct 1.

top Canadian, Australian newspapers zeroing in on Najib’s “alleged scandals”

Canada’s The Globe and Mail describing PM as “flailed desperately"

Sydney Morning Herald headline ominously reads: "Malaysian prime minister Najib Razak's inevitable fall".

In a scathing semi-analysis yesterday, The Globe and Mail accused Najib of being “unfit to lead a democracy” and ruling as a “pseudo-authoritarian”.

“Despite other actions that make him (Najib) unfit to lead a democracy, ..he now finds himself at the centre of an ever-expanding series of corruption probes that have brought Malaysian politics to a standstill - and also threaten to bring his pseudo-authoritarian rule to an end,” Marlow wrote.

Najib’s leadership is “untenable”, even if investigations into 1MDB locally and abroad find anything untoward, he wrote.

Similarly, Sydney Morning Herald wrote that Australia is “set to lose its heavy bet” on Najib, having earlier been swayed by his moderate, reformist international persona.

described Malaysian politics as having descended into “dysfunction” with Najib in Seri Perdana.
Najib has "used blunt force" to stymie investigations into the RM2.6 billion found in his bank account, while "refusing to explain what happened to the money", he wrote.

“Najib's fall – whenever it eventually comes – will impact Australia's foreign policy priorities at a time Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is pledging to take advantage of the Asian Century through innovation, science and technology,” Murdoch wrote.

Last week, leading United States newspaper The Washington Post in an editorial urged US President Barack Obama to reconsider his friendly relations with Najib.
The editorial, which came after Himpunan Rakyat rally, said Najib is “pandering to racists and Muslim extremists”.

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