Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Utusan shoots itself in foot with prostitution claim

YOURSAY | ‘Is Utusan now asking China to interfere in our internal affairs?’
FellowMalaysian: I would like to ask Utusan Malaysia’s Awang Selamat that if there is an influx of prostitutes from China in this country, why has our authorities kept their eyes closed and no serious action taken by our government to curb this social menace?
It would be hard to believe if we are told by the enforcement agencies that this is a new phenomenon.
Chee Hoe Siew: When Utusan mentioned Chinese prostitutes, I presume it is referring to the situation in Malaysia. Then may I ask if Utusan is now asking China to interfere in our internal affairs?
In addition, how did all these Chinese prostitutes enter Malaysia? Did they get work permit? Or were they smuggled into the country illegally?
If so, shouldn't this be an issue of either the Labour Ministry or Immigration Department?
Karma: Utusan should be ashamed of itself by naively claiming it was China's fault for the presence of many Chinese prostitutes in Malaysia.
It shot itself on the foot by admitting that our government is poor in handling such 'unwanted' foreign business. It is the responsibility of every country to manage the inflow of foreigners, not the other round.
Wg321: Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad went to the Bersih 4 rally to make a ‘statement’. Similarly, one of the world’s greatest economic superpower, as represented by its ambassador Huang Huikang, went to Petaling Street to make a ‘statement’.
As a result, he could have possibly prevented an anti-Chinese riot the next day.
Umno has apparently gone all out to instigate racism by using the red shirts and Pesaka to provoke a riot. This will enable PM Najib Razak to impose emergency rule so that nobody can question his 1MDB scandal and the mystery of his RM2.6 billion ‘donation’.
Umno backed off from this brinksmanship at the last minute as a result Huang’s presence in Petaling Street. Some cool heads in Umno have prevailed.
Anonymous_1419577444: Indeed, if the Chinese ambassador had not spoken, we would have had a Saturday where gangsters blessed by Najib and Umno battled with the police in Petaling Street, stalls and shops would have been destroyed and people injured or perhaps even killed.
Malaysia would probably be under martial law now. Even the blind and deaf know that Najib and other Umno leaders and law enforcement authorities did nothing to stop these red shirt gangsters from making the threats and would likely have encouraged them to do so.
They only stepped in after being embarrassed by the ambassador's visit to Petaling Street.
Anonymous_1421806811: As a government mouthpiece, Utusan should have used more discretion and professionalism to address the issue.
After all, China is one of Malaysia's largest trading partner and a close friend.
I guess Utusan under the current editorship has descended to being a junk newspaper. It is getting sued left, right and centre, devoid of any intellectual journalism and behaves more like a gossip tabloid.
Swipenter: Everyone knows that Utusan is the mouthpiece of Umno and for them to be so crude, uncouth and unbecoming in the way they ticked off Ambassador Huang, I bet there are going to be repercussions down the road, done subtly.
Just watch and see. Indonesia and Thailand are going to benefit from this crude retaliation from Utusan.
TakDahDuit: Here we go again. Race and sex - Umno's stock in trade.
Visu: Awang epitomises the stupidity of Umno. Why would Chinese prostitute ply their trade here if there was no demand for their services?
Go see for yourself how government officers are entertained in karaoke outlets by the private sector and one would know the state of this country.
Moreover, the fact that Umno cannot control the red shirts because the PM condoned their act and supported them financially goes to show that there is a concerted effort to marginalise certain Malaysians by race.
Surely foreign powers are not going to sit by and watch such gross injustice take place?
Old Timer: Awang is right, prostitution is a sad and despicable thing. However, in a report in BBC, a Chinese Malaysian gangster who dealt in drugs and prostitution ended the interview with these words:
“If the government doesn't want to be a bit lenient with us and if they are strict about everything, then there's no way that I can make a living. There's no work.”
Girls leaving China to come here is not illegal, it is illegal when they become prostitutes in Malaysia. The problem is here.
So why point a finger at others when we have police who don't seem to be able to do their jobs well?
Vent: Just when the hired goons and ‘gangstas’ of Umno thought they had flexed their muscles to terrorise Chinatown, out came a genial gentleman and his entourage to thwart them with smiles and goodwill.
The ambassador’s remarks may be a trifle out of step with our placid international relations, and while many of us do not approve of China’s militarisation programmes or predatory economics, I dare say it must be extremely comforting to the Chinese diaspora that they have a superpower looking out for them.
And it is wonderful for the rest of us in Malaysia that the bigoted racists have been told to eat humble pie. -Mkini

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