Thursday, October 1, 2015

IF ZAHID EVER BECAME PM, COULD MALAYSIA EVER BE PEACEFUL OR UNITED: You are bound for HELL - DPM blames 'slanderous noisy minority'

IF ZAHID EVER BECAME PM, COULD M'SIA EVER BE PEACEFUL OR UNITED: You are bound for HELL - DPM blames 'slanderous noisy minority'
Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has raised the issue of heaven and hell against “the noisy minority” whom he accused of resorting to slander.
In this, Zahid said, the "noisy minority" would finally end up in hell, which was also created by God.
"God created heaven and hell, but the residents in hell are more than in heaven, because they rushed to enter hell," he said.
This group of people in hell, Zahid said, were influenced by the devil.
"If they want to continue to befriend the devil, be my guest," he said in his speech at an event at the National Registration Department (NRD) today.
He'll pray for their hearts to open
Zahid said those who had been slandered, particularly the Home Ministry, NRD and himself, should be thankful to those who uttered the slanderous remarks against them.
The deputy prime minister said he would pray for these people to open their hearts, instead of praying for them to rot in hell.
Zahid, who is also home minister, initially only voiced out against the people for not appreciating the excellent service provided by NRD, which he described as the most efficient in terms of processing documents.
However, he went on to describe these people as being outdated and ignorant, as they refused to listen and accept the explanations given to them.
He then urged the ministry's officers to strive to make it to heaven. - M'kini

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