Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jema Khan: Damn party politics, it’s time to unite as one

Ex-Sabah Umno Youth leader says that to stay silent when the heart of one’s country is being ripped apart is impossible.
KOTA KINABALU: Former Sabah Umno Youth leader Jema Khan, taking to his Facebook page, confessed frankly that he cannot stand what is going on in the country at the moment. “To stay silent when the heart of your country is being ripped apart is impossible.”
Those who wish to undermine the strong threads that make up the fabric of society, he warned, are motivated by their own selfish political interests. “I cannot abide by this. You must not allow this. We must stand together against this. I am a liberal because those who would be against me are bigots.”
“In all things there are limits. Perhaps there are those in PAS and DAP who feel the same. I feel alone sometimes in Umno.”
Jema concedes that sometimes he feels jaded, being all alone, and wonders whether he should care anymore. “Perhaps because I just don’t give a damn any more. But again, this cannot continue. It must not continue. In Malaysia there are no slaves and women have the right to vote.”
“If you are Malay, you are tired. If you are Chinese, you are offended. If you are Indian, you are put aside. If you are anything else, you don’t matter.”
He urged the people to “damn party politics” and come together as Malaysians. “We are not so different. We want the best for our country. We know what is right and wrong. We all know that we must come together.”
The people may be yellow, dark, brown and even white but they are Malaysians. “Those that came before us have bestowed upon us the Federal Constitution and laws that made us feel comfortable in our own skin,” said Jema.
“I care. I hope you care. This is my country. This is your country. We cannot give up. Right must prevail and wrong must be vanquished.”
Together, he added, “we must find a way to make things right”.

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