Thursday, October 1, 2015

MCA stung by Tajuddin's 'slap' remark, demands apology

Deputy Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman’s warning he will “slap” any Chinese who complains to foreigners is “shocking” and warrants an apology, said MCA senator Koh Chin Han.
He said Tajuddin is merely stoking racial unrest, amid the row over the remarks of China envoy to Malaysia Huang Huikang.
“Tajuddin must immediately retract his statement and apologise to the Chinese community. If he ever dares to slap any Chinese, MCA will not sit still.
“The Malaysian Chinese are proud of Malaysia. Anybody slandering another race is ignorant,” Koh said in a statement.
Tajuddin at a press conference today warned the Chinese minority in Malaysia that they could be slapped if they took their grouses outside of the country.
“I want to warn the Chinese Malaysians, don't think when you have a problem, you want to complain - just a little bit also complain - that there will be people to protect them.
"Nak kena lempang macam itu (Get a slap, if that)," quipped Tajuddin at a press conference after officiating an exhibition in Kuala Lumpur today.
However, Tajuddin later denied he meant all Chinese, and was only referring to “DAP Chinese” and requestedMalaysiakini to make the necessary amendments to the article.
An audio recording of the press conference revealed that the Umno minister made no reference to “DAP Chinese” and had said “Cina-Cina Malaysia (Chinese Malaysians)” before breaking into laughter.
Koh said Tajuddin’s statement was “illogical and racist”.
“Such an extremist statement can only come from an extremist person,” he said.
“We urge Tajuddin to state clearly when did the Chinese Malaysians complain to foreign governments about the Malaysian government, and when did any Chinese Malaysian state that they intend to ‘return’ to China?” he asked.
'Own goal'
The deputy minister’s remarks also invited scorn from Gerakan Youth Chief Tan Keng Liang, who said Tajuddin scored an own goal against the BN government.
“Another example why the majority of Chinese Malaysians no longer support the government despite 1Malaysia efforts. Self-inflicted damages. Own goal!” he tweeted.
another eg why majority Msian Chinese no longer support Govt despite 1Msia efforts. Self inflicted damages. Own goal!
Ambassador Huang sparked off an outcry when he visited Petaling Street, on the eve of a rally planned by Malay groups.
The rally at the traditionally ethnic Chinese trading area was later cancelled.
Huang said while China does not interfere in domestic affairs, it would not sit idly if its interests are affected.
This was seen as meddling by Umno quarters, resulting in Wisma Putra calling in the envoy for an explanation.
NGO leader and Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos said Huang’s remarks also show that Chinese Malaysians still have backing from China.

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