Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Not enough BN support to vote down budget, admits Pua

DAP's Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua says opposition members in Parliament are still committed to its goal of pushing a no-confidence vote against the prime minister eventhough it was unlikely to succeed. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, October 28, 2015.DAP's Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua says opposition members in Parliament are still committed to its goal of pushing a no-confidence vote against the prime minister eventhough it was unlikely to succeed. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Nazir Sufari, October 28, 2015.Trying to remove the prime minister by voting down Budget 2016 is an exercise in futility as the anti-Najib faction in the ruling government does not have enough numbers, DAP MP Tony Pua said, Malaysiakini reported.
Calling it an impossible task, he reportedly said they would need the support of 30 to 35 Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers, and added that no ruling party MP would want to risk it for fear they would not succeed in toppling Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
Pua, who is DAP publicity chief, also reportedly said at a forum last night that the opposition was still committed to its goal of pushing a no-confidence vote against Najib, but added that too, was unlikely to succeed.
He added, however, that they would continue to work at it if not successful this time around.
The Pakatan Harapan opposition pact of DAP, PKR and Parti Amanah Negara (PAN) has 72 MPs.
This is excluding the 14 PAS MPs, PSM's Dr Michael Jeyakumar and independent MP Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.
The move to topple Najib would need the support of 112 MPs to achieve a simple majority in Parliament.
Last week, oposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail filed the motion of no confidence against the prime minister.
PKR secretary-eneral Rafizi Ramli had also said last week that PAS had given its commitment to vote against Najib.
The prime minister is currently under fire over the scandals surrounding his brainchild, state investment vehicle 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) as well as the RM2.6 billion "donation" from an unknown Middle Eastern benefactor into his personal accounts ahead of the 2013 general election.
Najib's arch critic, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had also urged BN federal lawmakers to throw their support behind the no-confidence motion. 

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