Saturday, November 28, 2015


This is from The Star today:
IGP: Charles Morais a coward for fleeing country
called younger brother of murdered DPP coward for fleeing country
Charles left country through JB around 1.30am Thursday
very irresponsible man, this is "pukul curi", what kind of man is he?
police currently tracing Charles' whereabouts
opened case under Section 202 for withholding information
and 124L of Penal Code for attempting to commit sabotage
Charles statutory declaration on Wed
pen drive containing information implicated influential people
pen drive currently in safe custody in US
contents to be disclosed should "anything untoward" happen to him
My comments : I think the IGP has really twisted himself into knots here. No one in their right mind agrees with this really brain dead statement by the IGP.
If the IGP is brave enough may I suggest that he ask around to see how many people agree with him? Kalau betul berani lah.
The vast majority of the Malaysian public are unanimous that Dato Khairuddin and Charles Morais are brave Malaysians who have put themselves at great personal risk to make honest, legal and by-the-book statutory declarations and police reports to expose what they believe are wrong doings in the country.
Charles Morais could have just stayed in the US and sent that pen drive to the Wall Street Journal or to Sarawak Report or to any number of news media. He could have made any media statement from the US.
But Charles Morais did not do that. Instead he came back to Malaysia, hired a lawyer (I am sure at some expense) drafted an 18 page Statutory Declaration (not a surat layang ok), signed his name to it and had it properly notarised, registered according to our legal procedures for a Statutory Declaration.
These are very brave people who are taking great risk with their personal safety and well being.
And how does the IGP respond? He slaps Charles Morais with "124L of Penal Code for attempting to commit sabotage" What is that? Isnt that the same charge against the others that was thrown out by the Courts earlier? On what basis does the IGP feel that Charles Morais has breached 124L of the Penal Code?
After Dato Khairuddin, that (AGC) Secretariat woman in that Task Force, the MACC guys, the Police guys who were transferred, arrested, charged in Court etc etc it is becoming very predictable that anyone who seeks to expose information that has anything to do with the 1MDB, SRC, RM2.6 billion donation etc crap will most likely get in trouble.
Then almost ALL these charges were thrown out by the Courts (thanks to the Judiciary that was destroyed by Tun Dr Mahathir).
The Court did not even give a remand order for that secretariat woman. Malu betul
The latest is the Court throwing out Khairuddin's case.
All this is very embarrassing for both the Police and the AGC. But they are just 'Saya ikut perintah' people. You cannot blame the IGP too much.
I think the IGP does not have to work too hard to trace Charles. He is NOT a criminal.
You can just ask his lawyer. Or you can go to his company website (the Kronos Hotels or something) and locate their head office in Atlanta or something.
The last time you asked Interpol for a Red Notice they also gave you a very embarrassing and very public "slap in the face".
If you want to kena dua kali, please request Interpol for another Red Notice for Charles Morais. I dont think they will entertain your request at all. Charles Morais is not a criminal.
Your Minister has written letters to the FBI before, on behalf of some fellow with some dubious triad connections. If you also want to kena embarrasment from the FBI you can ask the FBI's help to extradite Charles Morais. I think they will really laugh at you.
Charles Morais is not hiding. He is safeguarding his freedom in the US.
While you are going after all these "dangerous criminals", the public also wants to know a few other things that remain "unanswered".
Bank Negara has put a wanted notice for Jho Low, Jasmine Loo Ai Swan and others.
The question is have the Police assisted Bank Negara to locate any of these people?
Belum lagi? So dont be too surprised if the public is very suspicious why the entire gomen machinery has failed to locate these 'Wanted' people. According to media reports one is living in New York while the other is believed to be hiding in Taiwan. Why hasnt there been a request for any Interpol Red Notice?
If you wish to clear your name with the public, that would be a good idea as well.
The people are fully aware that the IGP and the Civil Servants are in an 'Saya ikut perintah' situation. That is obvious. So cannot be too brave lah. Just follow orders.
But that does not mean that you must insert your foot in your mouth in public. -

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