Friday, November 27, 2015

Don't torch country, sacked Umno woman warns Najib

Former Gopeng Umno Wanita chief Hamidah Osman has warned Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak not to "burn the country" after she was sacked from the party.
"Don't burn the country; if we get burned, he (Najib) will also burn with us," Hamidah told a press conference in Ipoh today.
Hamidah said she had conveyed the message by text message directly to Najib but received no reply.
Still clad in Umno's red colour, Hamidah held the press conference today to formally respond to her sacking on Tuesday which was announced by Najib, who is also Umno president.
Hamidah said she will write to the Umno leadership to seek clarification about her sacking.
"Up until today, I have not received any letters (about the sacking). I only found out on television. I am still unclear as to why I was sacked," she said.
Hamidah was among the seven leaders believed to be on Umno's watch list.
She had been critical of Najib (photo) and even called for him to step down over several scandals, including his handling of 1MDB and the discovery of RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts.
The list is said to also include Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin and Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal, but the two were spared as some within the Umno supreme council did not want to cause further unrest in the party.
Both Muhyiddin and Shafie were dismissed from the government in July for their critical stance over Najib's handling of 1MDB.
Criticisms targeted at Najib
Hamidah said she had never targeted Umno as her criticisms were targeted at Najib personally over the 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion issues.
She also asked whether questioning Najib would mean being sacked.
"I was clear when I criticised Najib in his individual capacity. I criticised the Umno president, not the party.
"When I criticised (Najib), I was accused of trying to bring down the party. We criticise because what the president is doing is what is destroying the party.
"I was clear when I called for the president to step down. I did not attack the party so why am I being punished?" she said.
Despite the sacking, Hamidah said she will continue to be active in the political arena.
She also urged other Wanita Umno members to defend the party.
Asked if she will join the opposition, she replied: "I will not join the opposition but I see the rakyat need saving. I am concerned that the country will crumble.
"I cannot stay silent and I will not be deterred." -Mkini

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