Sunday, November 1, 2015

PAS now part of the problem, says DAP after Hadi refuses to vote down budget

DAP leaders hold placards questioning the RM2.6 billion in the prime minister's accounts at the party's state convention in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, today. Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng says its former ally PAS is not friends with Umno by its decision not to vote down Budget 2016. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, November 1, 2015.DAP leaders hold placards questioning the RM2.6 billion in the prime minister's accounts at the party's state convention in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, today. Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng says its former ally PAS is not friends with Umno by its decision not to vote down Budget 2016. – The Malaysian Insider pic by Seth Akmal, November 1, 2015.
PAS's decision to abstain from voting down Budget 2016 in the Dewan Rakyat shows that the Islamist party is “chummy” with Barisan Nasional and has become part of the problem instead of the solution, DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng said today.
“We are disappointed that PAS is not supporting the vote against the budget. That shows that the previous statement by PAS saying they are together with opposition parties is not true.
"It shows that they are actually working closely with BN,” said Lim after officiating the Selangor DAP ordinary convention today.
"We will abstain and not vote to reject it completely, because our party's policy is to support what's good for the people and oppose what's bad for the people.
“There are things we don't agree on, but there is no way we will join the calls to vote down Budget 2016,” Hadi said in Kuala Terengganu yesterday.
Lim said it was now up to PAS supporters and other Malaysians to decide and evaluate the party's action.
“They voted for PAS as part of the alternative coalition but now PAS shows they want to be with BN.
"PAS at one time was part of the solution, but his (Hadi) statement shows that they are now part of the problem,” he said.
Lim said Hadi’s statement showed that PAS wanted to be with BN.
Hadi was also quoted by Sinar Harian as saying that PAS was prepared to take on the role of government adviser and assist Umno to make changes to administrative policies.
The Malay daily reported Hadi as saying PAS was not interested in grabbing positions or taking over Putrajaya.
“Right now, we want to improve the government, not follow it or fight for positions. We do not want to unseat the prime minister, but to correct his policies,” Hadi was quoted as saying.
He said the party would only consider other approaches, including wresting Putrajaya from BN, if it refused to take heed of the Islamist party’s advice.

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