Monday, December 28, 2015

5 publications banned for confusing Muslims

The Home Ministry says five publications have been banned as they could confuse Muslims. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 28, 2015.The Home Ministry says five publications have been banned as they could confuse Muslims. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, December 28, 2015.
The Home Ministry banned five publications today as they contained elements that could confuse Muslims and damage their faith.
Secretary of the Publication and Al-Quran Text Control Division of the Home Ministry, Hashimah Nik Jaafar, said in a statement today the five publications were "The Teachings of the Quran", "Baha'ullah And The New Era and Introduction to The Baha'i Faith", "Detik-Detik Pembongkaran Agama: Mempopulerkan Agama Kebajikan Menggagas Pluralisme-Pembebasan", "Jalan Yang Lurus: Kita Harus Meneroka Jalan Ini" and "Tabut: Penjelasan Tentang Segala Sesuatu".
"The ban on the publications was made under the Government Gazette P.U.(A) 270-274 dated Nov 26," she said.
The four other publications were because they could damage public peace and alarm the people as they contained elements which could confuse the Muslims and damage their faith, she said.
Hashimah added that the gazette on the ban was according to Section 7(1) of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 and it was an offence under Sub-section 2 of Section 8 of the act.
Anyone printing, importing, producing, reproducing, publishing, selling, distributing, offering to sell, and possessing any of the banned materials is committing an offence and upon conviction can be jailed for up to three years or fined up to RM20,000 or both. – Bernama

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