Monday, December 28, 2015

Are Malays in Brunei converting to Christianity?

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah has not banned Wesak although he restricted Christmas.
Brunei has a 10.3 percent Chinese population. Buddhists are 7.8 percent in Brunei while Christians total 8.7 percent. Christians in Brunei are not comprised of Chinese alone. They’re growing through conversion – see write-up below.
Christians are estimated to reach 14 percent of Brunei’s population by the year 2020, according to the Center for Study of Global Christianity.
Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia all have – on paper – Christian populations of around nine percent currently. Since this trio of countries, however, are staunchly Muslim, their Malays who embrace Christianity may choose to remain as closet Christians.

In Malaysia …

The documentary below by Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) News claims that Malays who converted to Christianity have been tortured in isolated rehab centres.
Click to watch the videos

In the region …

Christianity is overall trending in Southeast Asia.
In Indonesia, the Chinese are merely 1.2 percent of the vast, sprawling population and Christians are “only 9 percent”. Nonetheless a Chinese Christian is today the governor of Jakarta.
In Chinese-majority Singapore however, it is the Buddhist numbers that have fallen by the magic “nine percent” (9.2%) figure and projected to keep decreasing, seeHERE.
Meanwhile, Singapore’s mega churches have exploded in growth and two years ago (2014 data), Christians made up more than 18 percent of the island republic.
Utusan Malaysia

In Brunei …

Brunei is worried because it is among the Top 20 countries in the world where Christianity is growing fastest. Furthermore, eleven countries on this list of twenty are Muslim majority countries.
Shockingly, Christianity is spreading quicker in Brunei (highest percentage growth rate) compared to even Singapore although the Chinese ratio in Brunei is far, far less than in Singapore. See comparison table of Christianity is southeast Asia.
What must be worrying Brunei most of all is that the country is in the Top 20 worldwide for the growth of Christianity through conversion – see table here.
Brunei also ranks fifth in a Top Ten list for “highest marginal Christian rate” in a World Christian Trends survey – see table here.
Question: Does the Brunei statistics hint that its Malays have been converted?
crunchy Christians
ABOVE: In the old Roman empire, Christians were fed to the lions

‘Crosses’ on the Langkawi roofs just so spooky

Kedah housing exco Tajul Urus Mat Zain said, “I want them [the developer] to sit down and point out whether they are meant to be crosses.
The Christians are very prominent, especially in the English-language media and particularly over this Christmas.
They’re everywhere! Now their religious symbol – inadvertent or not – can be seen even when you’re sailing on the sea approaching Langkawi.
Council to meet builder over ‘crosses’ on roofs 
The design of crosses of the roofs could be coincidental but Malays are spooked regardless.
This sublimal promotion of the faith, even if by accident (i.e. appearance roof not on purpose), is what spooks Malays about Christianity is the way that they’re not spooked by Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism or Sikhism.
The doctrine of “Christianity admitted no compromise [and] was intolerant to all other systems” and that was why the Roman emperors threw its new converts proverbially to the lions.
lion face palm

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