Friday, January 1, 2016

Muhyiddin: Rakyat still not confident with gov’t

It seems that 2015 ended with the rakyat’s confidence in the government still wavering.
Former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin therefore believes that 2016 will be fraught with more challenges.
Muhyiddin, in his new year’s message, said that 2015 was definitely a bleak year for Malaysia in terms of integrity and transparency with regard to the country’s administration.
Citing the various scandals plaguing the country - the 1MDB imbroglio, the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ to the prime minister, the sacking of the former attorney-general, as well as the transfer of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers involved in investigations into 1MDB - these were only among the instances which had raised questions in relation to integrity in administering the country.
The government’s explanation on the 1MDB scandal, said Muhyiddin, has yet to convince the rakyat.
“They want those responsible for losing such a huge amount of money as well as the country’s coffers to be brought to justice,” said Muhyiddin.
Apart from issues of integrity and transparency, Malaysians have had to tackle the rising cost of living, he added.
Admitting that the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) has somewhat alleviated the financial burden of the poor, the rising price of goods, toll hikes, increase in public transport fares as well as removal of government subsidies have only increased the rakyat’s burdens.
“Until the end of 2015, cost of living continues to haunt the rakyat. Overall, the rakyat want the government to do something more meaningful and effective to alleviate their burdens,” he said.
Muhyiddin stressed that the country’s leaders were responsible in preventing wastage and leakages when it comes to government expenditure especially since the rakyat have been urged to be thrifty and to work overtime to increase their income.
“Make sure that every sen spent by the government gets to the rakyat. Every sen in the form of tax collected from the rakyat must be returned in the form of public facilities, education, transportation, healthcare as well as welfare programmes that truly benefit those who need them.
“It’s a shame how with the rakyat suffering due to the rising cost of living [...] there is still leakages and wastage in the distribution of contracts and concessions that will only benefit a small group of individuals,” he said.
Issues related to the cost of living as well as government integrity aside, Muhyiddin urged for unity among the country’s various races.
“Don’t let irresponsible quarters purposely fan the race and religious sentiment just so that the rakyat’s attention are turned away from the issue of the country’s administration,” he stressed.
Malaysia experienced a number of incidents last year, which saw several race-related incidents occurring.
After the Low Yat Plaza fracas in July, several thousands took to the streets clad in red shirts in defence of the ‘Malay race’s dignity’ in September. -Mkini

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