Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tian Chua more a road warrior than legislator, says Ti

Ti Lian Ker of MCA says PAS as advisers to BN may try to break the secular system practiced by the nation, in order to introduce its brand of administration.
ti-lian-kerPETALING JAYA: PKR lawmaker Tian Chua is more a “road warrior” than a legislator having failed to understand the various ways in which PAS when playing the role of advisor to the government, can lead to confusion, said Ti Lian Ker of MCA.
Criticising the Batu Member of Parliament, Ti who is MCA’s Religious Harmony Bureau Chairman branded Tian Chua as “confused”, and said he failed to realise how PAS’ proposal was merely a disguise to introduce its brand of administration into the ruling government.
“His recent comments on the offer by PAS to be an advisor to the government shows that he is more of a road warrior than a legislator,” said Ti, offering to “educate” Chua on the potential political confusion that comes along with PAS’s proposed role.
Tian Chua yesterday dismissed the claim made by Ti that PAS advising the government would only create more confusion, saying that it was only a matter of whose advice Prime Minister Najib Razak chose to accept.
To this, Ti said government policies or decisions were not made solely by Najib as all national matters were discussed and decided collectively by the Cabinet. Tian Chua’s statement, according to Ti, portrayed the former’s inability to comprehend the roles and decision-making processes made by the three arms of the administration i.e. the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary.
“He fails to understand that PAS is trying to inch their way into the Executive by speaking in the name of Islam authoritatively and thereafter imposing their political will or dictating to the Executive or Legislative in the name of Islam.
“PAS may be trying to introduce their module of Majlis Syura Ulama PAS, having the final say over their Executive Committee whereby the Majlis Syura’s advisory role prevails over the President and his Committee,” added Ti, pointing that this was where the confusion lay.
He told Tian Chua not to underestimate the potential threat, and eventual damage of PAS’ role as well as the Islamist party’s ability to play under the name of religion in order to introduce a system which can potentially replace current secular practices.

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