Tuesday, December 1, 2015

We're probing SD claims, assures IGP

The police have not dismissed the allegations raised in an explosive statutory declaration, assured inspector-general of police Khalid Abu Bakar.
However, he said questioning Charles Suresh Morais is integral to the probe as practised in all cases.
“I called him a coward for leaving the country because it is frustrating when someone makes such damning allegations and disappears just like that. It complicates and drags the matter.
“It is imperative that we quiz him to get a clearer picture. We, too, would like to know the contents of the alleged pen drive and if there is any basis to the claims,” he told Malaysiakini.
On the same note, Khalid said if Charles had security concerns since his allegations implicated powerful people, he should have approached the police.
“We would have been willing to offer him protection. However, the critics would doubt us on this as well.
“So it becomes a Catch-22 situation for us. The pen drive and Charles can provide us with much-needed information to assist our probe.
“In the absence of the pen drive, all we have are damaging allegations and that is not sufficient to carry out an exhaustive probe,” he added.
Khalid also explained that when a person makes an allegation, the investigation must also centre on the individual.
“We cannot simply act on allegations. We must also probe the accuser, whether he is genuine or otherwise. There may be other motivations involved, who knows.
“We must be certain that the person is not doing this for other reasons, especially since it involves high-profile individuals,” he said.
Responding to a question, Khalid also did not discount the possibility of sending a team to the United States to question Charles.
Won't trade barbs with Gobind
The police chief was asked to comment on DAP lawmaker Gobind Singh Deo branding him a coward and the claims by certain quarters that the police are not interested in investigating the claims in the SD.
However, Khalid refused to engage in a mud-slinging match with the Puchong lawmaker over the insult.
“Gobind is a politician and it comes as no surprise that he says such things.
“I respect his view. I can agree to disagree with him. But I prefer not to trade barbs with him as I have more important tasks to do,” he said.
In his SD, Charles alleged there could be a conspiracy in his brother, senior deputy public prosecutor Kevin Anthony Morais’ murder.
The hotelier, who has been in the US since 1984, also claimed to be in possession of a pen drive.
The pen drive was sent to him by Kevin, and details the cases the latter was working on.
He also alleged that Kevin told him he was involved in cases concerning Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor.
Kevin had been seconded to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which is probing the RM2.6 billion political donation and SRC International’s RM42 million deposited into Najib’s bank accounts.
The prime minister has denied abusing public funds for personal gains.
Eight people, including an army doctor with the rank colonel, have been charged in connection with Kevin’s murder. -Mkini

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