Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What an Unholy Trinity

We should be fortunate that our disenchantment or frustration or even anger with scandals and price hikes have been tempered by sideline entertainment provided by two public figures and another aspirant for that stature.
By Su Kian Hui
There is an active trio in our midst competing feverishly for attention. Whatever they say not only hog headlines but also fuels endless mockery and derision in social media.
Count ourselves fortunate that our disenchantment or frustration or even anger with scandals and price hikes have been tempered by sideline entertainment provided by two public figures and another aspirant for that stature. They continually regale the public with remarks and antics that call their qualification for the positions they hold into question.
Ismail Sabri is a minister and Ahmad Maslan a deputy minister, in case you need any reminding. Ali Tinju is that thuggish aspirant for future stardom who seems bent on stopping at nothing to attain fame.
They are the trinity, but alas what an unholy one.
Ismail Sabri was a relatively low profile minister until his call on the Malays to boycott Chinese traders propelled him quickly to the forefront of local politics. He came into the spotlight again when he announced the setting up of Low Yat 2, later named MARA Digital Mall, in the wake of the Low Yat fracas. Upon declaring the Mall opened the minister expressed his hope that all races would support it. One moment he unabashedly championed Malay boycott of Chinese business, the next moment he had the audacity to call for support for Malay business from all races.
His inconsistencies have left many petrified and in stitches. But it is not so difficult to second guess what he is strategizing to achieve. UMNO’s vice-president vacancies will be up for grabs in the not too distant future with the likely elevation of Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to Deputy President and out-of-favour Shapie Apdal going into oblivion. Is he being groomed to fill one of the slots?
Ahmad Maslan may only be a Deputy Minister, but he is surely better known than some ministers, and definitely not for the smile he always wears in every pose. He is better remembered for his disingenuous remarks.
Who can forget that video that went viral of the Sultan of Johor seeming to deliberately snub Ahmad Maslan as he went round shaking hands with his subjects. True to his public persona he was smiling when snubbed, he was unfazed.
He tried to defend the GST by assuring the public that prices will come down when the GST was implemented. Tun Dr Mathathir then derided him for being a Deputy Minister of Finance with no knowledge of finance. Can you imagine him become a full minister?
This time around Ahmad Maslan has waded into the sticky cost of living issue with advice that some people should consider having a second job to beat the high costs. His justification? He has 3 jobs; Deputy Minister, MP and UMNO Information Chief. Many netizens mocked him as having 3 positions with 3 salaries rather than 3 jobs.
Ali Tinju still has a long way to go in position compared with the duo but he doesn’t quite come short in fame. He thrives in situations where race and religion are often allowed to be exploited for narrow gains.
He has indeed found a niche to peddle his wares. First was Ambiga’s house, next Low Yat and then to Kota Raya. What’s next Ali?
There is no telling where his antics of butt display, rabble-rousing and inflammatory speeches will take him.
Stay tuned, in 2016 we could expect much more from the entertaining trio.
Su Kian Hui is an FMT reader.

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