Wednesday, December 2, 2015

With Najib still around, we do not need anymore enemies

Image result for najib

Dr Mahathir is more serious than ever and he says it again, Najib must go before the GE14. That was the main content in his open letter to the ordinary UMNO members and that was truly an unpretentious plea to save UMNO in facing the coming GE. I am one of those who support the plea and it should be done in congregation among the UMNO branches where most of the grassroots members are.

However there have been many branches of the party which were courageous enough to go in the open demanding for Najib to quit as the President of the party and consequentially to leave his office in Putrajaya where he is still loitering around without infamy and shame. Najib realizes that there has been massive abhorrence among the grassroots against his refusal to quit and we just wonder what makes him stay put in Putrajaya. His claim that he has 3 million UMNO members behind him is all fallacy. There are thousands of gallant and brave UMNO branches and their members coming out to express their concerns about the future of the party if Najib is still the PM of this great but poorly managed nation.

Let us all ask Najib, where is strength now? He has lost the support of the UMNO grassroots and he has long lost the support from the ordinary Malaysians. He can’t be resting all his laurels on IGP or AG all the time. He can’t be using his muscle and legs to rule. He can kick as many UMNO leaders at all levels but if all branches are working in congregation demanding for his withdrawal he won’t have any more time to sack everyone. Ruling by the leg won’t last long. It’s a rule by clean and pure mind that can make him stay as a leader.

By continuing to remain as the party President it does not need any opposition party to topple the BN/UMNO government. Najib himself will bring down the BN government hands down.

We still have the chance to save the country and that needs Najib's sacrifice. He must leave and let someone else proficient enough to remodel the nation’s political structure that would bring us to a new setting that can bring the country to proper trajectory of proper consensus.

Both the opposition and the government legislative members must work in ensemble to reject Najib supported by the grassroots. This is the first time ever when the opposition has clear intentions to work out with any member of parliament that can be from UMNO to alternate Najib for the sake of the country.

The move to sideline Muhyiddin in the UMNO general assembly is a clear proof not that UMNO has no finesse whatsoever as a ruling party anymore. UMNO is now reduced to a small exclusive club meant for a few leaders with personal interests and nothing for its members and the people they rule.

Hence the fate of UMNO is depending on whether Najib’s willingness to retire in grace. If he stays on he has to go with the party altogether. I think that’s what he wants. If UMNO members succumb to Najib’s iron-fist rule we know what is forthcoming. UMNO will be history. 

It means Malays will be irrelevant to the country's politics totally. If we wish to see that to happen just don't do anything and let Najib rule this country without disturbance. 

In actual fact Najib is number one public enemy. Let's accept it.

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