Thursday, January 28, 2016


KUALA LUMPUR - The exoneration of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak on wrongdoing by Attorney General (AG) Mohd Apandi Ali on Tuesday was a farce on an international scale, said Moscow-based international consultant Pascal Najadi, the son of assassinated AmBank Founder Hussain Najadi, in an email from Geneva, Switzerland.
"With this desperate move, the AG closed the investigation file with the intention to then use Article 145 of the Federal Constitution, not to pursue the matter, ‘at the discretion of the AG himself’.”
“We are simply amazed at how the Malaysian Prime Minister could implicate the late King Abdullah of the House of Saud. Surely, there will be an official reaction from Riyadh on this shortly as per standard international diplomacy practice.”
Article 145, if abused, can potentially render justice de j​ure and de f​acto defunct, warned Pascal. “Under a corrupt regime, Article 145 of the Federal Constitution was catastrophically useless to combat crimes and corruption in Malaysia, in our opinion.”
What kind of country is this where the Attorney General was not 100 per cent duty-bound by the Constitution itself to uphold justice? asked Pascal. “Malaysia is unsafe, period.”
"Obviously, we cannot rely on the Malaysian justice system,” said Pascal. “The process seems to be flawed. It seems to us obvious that there's a total lack of political will to uncover the truth about my late father's assassination. If you read Article 145 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia you will stumble upon the phrase...exercisable at his (Attorney General's) discretion...​(to pursue crimes in Malaysia)...​which in effect means that the entire Article 145 can be used as a tool at will for the Attorney General not to investigate crimes in Malaysia. ​​“
Dad was told to keep quiet
Pascal, the only child of Hussain who was assassinated on 29 July 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, added in the email that from ongoing investigations about the assassination of his father, he has a witness in Malaysia coming forward on record to confirm that his late father came to know about "huge sums of money being shifted around" by the Prime Minister and his people.
"The same source confirmed that my father reported this, in a private initiative, to Bank Negara Governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz at her office.”
He (Hussain) was pushed back and told to “keep quiet about all this”, continued Pascal. “This assassination (Hussain) as well as the assassination of Kevin Morais (DPP) opens a long list of unanswered questions.”
“We are blessed to have more and more informants coming forward since we announced that we would take the case to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. We can no longer rely on the Malaysian justice system that we openly declare, in our educated opinion, as defunct."
Exposing it all at the U.N.
Pascal disclosed that his legal expert in Malaysia, Puchong MP and lawyer Gobind Singh Deo, has since advised him that it would be futile to continue pushing through the Malaysian courts and the Attorney General's Chambers for a proper investigation into his father’s assassination.
"We therefore decided together with our international criminal lawyer Nick Kaufman to take this case to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland,” said Pascal. "All the signals that we have received so far from Malaysia give us strong reasons to believe that there was a state-sponsored cover up.”
The Attorney General and the police have white washed impromptu, after two years, the allege​d​ mastermind and Interpol Red Notice wanted​ Lim Yuen Soo without sharing any information ​on his arrest and questioning ​with Gobind, the lawyer representing the Najadi family, lamented Pascal.
Nick Kaufman, an international criminal lawyer, was a former prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and​d the International Criminal Court in The Hague.​
Media statement from Najadi & Partners

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